Dear all,

Pål Jensen wrote:

Also, large camera stores in japan has been told from Pentax reps that Pentax >will release a fabulous film slr.
In fact, Pentax has just release a fabulous new film slr in Japanese market:

it is a fabuluous P&S film camera happens to have a SLR look.....

I don't believe Pentax is going to completely re-new their SLR camera line-up in a sudden with three new camera. They haven't done anything dramatic in the past 10 years when the SLR market then was growing. There is no reason to expect they will do it now or in the future, especially they are saying that they think the market is shrinking. Doing so will be a commercial suicide. According to the original Japanese news report, Pentax was quoted as saying to cut their current line-up of 6 cameras down to 3 cameras. They have not said they are going to replace them with 3 new cameras.

In their press release for MZ-60, they said they are manufacturing 15,000 MZ-60 per month, 5,000 more than MZ-L! This is roughly equals to 10% of film SLRs manufactured in the world. So we are going to see this fabuluous camera continuously in the Pentax line-up for a while.


Henry Chu

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