On Wednesday, November 6, 2002, at 08:23  AM, David Brooks wrote:

This is my 3rd 4WD truck.We need them for work(you
remember the places i told you about<G>)Honda
civic's keep getting stuck in swamps,although they
are easier to get out:)
I turn on my yellow safety light,put on my red vest
and everyone thinks i;m taking pictures
of future hiway expansion.Love it:)


---- Begin Original Message ----

From: "Pentax Guy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 6 Nov 2002 09:12:16 -0500
Subject: Re: What do you carry with you

Heh, just had a funny thought, do we all have trucks or SUV-type
Seems many do, and fits with the gear we may carry or the places we
may want
to go 4WD :)


My car is a '91 Ford Ranger PU 2WD with a shovel, my wife's car is a '99 Subaru Forester no shovel.

Dan Scott

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