
It could be a lot of things causing this but my first guess is that you
have created LARGE images which are being stuffed into small boxes by
the webpage design (browsers do a really BAD job of resizing).  

Try loading the images into your browser directly.  If they appear ok,
but large it's a size thing and you just have to resize them and take
the autosizing out of the webpage (I write my webpages by hand in
Notepad and don't have a lot of knowledge of how to turn this feature
on or off in other software.

If they don't look ok directly in the browser then it's an image thing
which you "should" be able to fix in Photoshop.

Beyond this I can't really say without looking.  The best thing to do
is to post the URL of your site and ask people to tell you what is
wrong, it makes it a lot easier for us to find.


On Fri, 8 Nov 2002 00:06:36 +0200, Amanda du Plessis wrote:

>Hi everyone
>I want to create my own website and I have the software and I have Photoshop
>6.  I start creating and then when I load my images
>into the page they all look really bad!  They have alot of noise on them.
>How do get rid of this?? Can I adjust the colours in
>Photoshop or what???
>Need help plzzzzzzz

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