I have volunteered for three years in northern Belize on a Mayan site.  I
have also done a quick day-stint in Pensacola, Florida, even tried
underwater archaeology - the LX is always with me.

For the points you mentioned is why I cart them to the sites.  That, and I
know they can take the abuse.  I have broken them in by visiting various
sites around the world - beginning with Copan, Honduras.  Somewhere there
are shots, taken with one LX, of another sitting amongst the tools of the

The project in Belize used a Canon something or other.  And after the first
year when they saw the shots I had taken, the project director always looked
to me to take shots for her.  She openly commented how her husband's were
never quite up to snuff.  I did not want to mention my use of Pentax glass

So Shaun, though not my line of work, please do count me in as one who uses
them archaeologically.

Panama City, Florida

-- -----Original Message-----
-- From: Christian Skofteland [mailto:c_skofteland@;mindspring.com]
-- Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 9:07 PM
-- PDMLer Cesar uses his LXen on archeological sites.
-- Christian
-- On Wednesday 06 November 2002 19:35, Shaun Canning wrote:
-- > I almost forgot...
-- > Seems to me that archaeologists prefer Pentax...(we tend
-- to like old things
-- > I suppose). The obvious reasons that field workers would
-- have liked the LX
-- > are the body sealing and water resistance, and I would
-- imagine this was
-- > sold pretty hard to the like of archaeology departments.
-- But then, 20 years
-- > later, and the LX's area still ticking away quietly in the
-- labs at La
-- > Trobe, and they get plenty of use.
-- >
-- > Cheers
-- >
-- > Shaun Canning

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