All quite true points Vic, but for Alan I'd say I would be upset because
that's some serious money for a * lens, and would expect it to be absolutely
perfect.  Again, I'm glad I don't test mind like that, and now don't plan
to...don't want to find anything wrong :)

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 11:14 AM
Subject: Re: FA*200/2.8 matter again...

> In a message dated 11/7/02 4:24:42 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> << There is some dust inside this 200mm, so to the 1st one I returned.
> However,
> what concerns me is the scratches present behind the 1st element (on 2nd
> 3rd I think). There are many of them in all different directions actually,
> not circular. It definitely looks like cleaned by hand. When the light was
> pointed from different angle, cleaning marks were revealed too (but
> invisible if if the light was point directly). This is my only brand new
> lens with so many scratches and cleaning marks. My 2ndhand F*300/4.5 has
> cleaning marks too, but not scratch. My brand new FA100/2.8 has 1 hairline
> scratch inside, but this 200 has a lot. All my other Pentax lenses are
> even after years of use. Since this is the 4th lens that I have tried
> recently (and all 4 are faulty), I think I am ready to give up and ask for
> full refund. I have known there are qc problem with Pentax products for
> years, but I have never expected to be so unlucky. Looks like I won't be
> buying any Pentax lenses in the near future.  :(
> regards,
> Alan Chan >>
> Think of it this way. If you go to the zoo and want to photograph an
> in its cage but there are bars between you and the animal, what do you do?
> You open the lens up, put the lens right up to the bars and voila they
> disappear. Now what you have are microscopic hairs and stuff on your 200mm
> lens. If the lens makes big bars disappear do you really think a little
> is going to cause a problem?
> Get out there and use it, don't sweat it.
> Vic

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