I'd be happy to contribute $20.
Paul Stenquist

frank theriault wrote:
> Just going through Greywolf's journal, he thanked Adelheid for her very
> kind assistance of some badly needed money.
> It looks like Tom may be having a really tough time right now, both in
> terms of finance and health.  I'm wondering if there's anything we could
> do to help him out financially.
> I know we're in the process of getting together a little something for
> Doug the List Guy (don't read this, Doug!), and I don't want to have
> this list turn into the on-line equivalent of the "office collections"
> that seem to pop up two or three times a week, but I'm worried that Tom
> may be in real need here.
> I'm up here in Canada, and Tom's down in the US, but hell, it wouldn't
> be hard to send a money order or cheque down to where he is.  I could
> try to contact him through his page (I don't know how often he's
> on-line), to get an address or PO box to which it could go.  Obviously,
> I wouldn't start collecting until I contact him, so we know that he'll
> be able to receive the funds.
> I'm thinking that if enough folks gave even $10 or $15, we could make
> things a bit easier for him, at least for a while.
> Anyone else in?  Contact me on or off list, as you wish.
> thanks,
> frank
> --
> "The optimist thinks this is the best of all possible worlds. The
> pessimist fears it is true." -J. Robert
> Oppenheimer

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