
There's no need to get the camera checked as I have sold it now. However,
the slight overexposure of the z-1, and the hunting of AF lenses on said Z-1
is not particularly unusual and has been discussed ad nauseum on this list.
I single sensor AF system is always going to hunt a little, that is just
something Zed users have to live with. It doesn't make it a bad camera - on
the contrary, I loved my Z-1 so much I only sold it to upgrade to the z-1p.
As I said in my last post, and many other LX users will agree, I just prefer
to use my LX for macro work. The results may be identical on a light box,
but I just like my LX. It is a beautiful camera to use, and I feel more like
I am actually 'making' a photograph than I sometimes did with the z-1. It is
purely preference, and purely aesthetic. But, I will defy you to get a
sharper photo with a z-1 than an LX when both are pushed to the limits of
what they can do. The mirror lock up alone on the LX puts it streets ahead.
Now, the z-1p's mirror pre-fire will negate this advantage, so it may
produce equally sharp results. I will wait and see, as my nice new z-1p
arrives sometime this week hopefully.

I note from your last message Pal that you have an MZ-S. I cannot compare
this to either the LX or Z-1, as I have not had the opportunity to see one
in the flesh, let alone use one. I live out in the sticks, and don't go to
the city very often, so it is difficult to get to play with new cameras. I
also know you have an FA* 200mm macro, and of this I am truly jealous. If
everything we hear is to be believed, then this is a truly special piece of


Shaun Canning
Archaeology Department
La Trobe University, Bundoora,
Victoria, 3086.

Phone: 0414-967 644

-----Original Message-----
From: Pål Jensen [mailto:paaljensen@;]
Sent: Monday, 11 November 2002 1:59 AM
Subject: Re: LX MAcro Question

Shaun wrote:

>The Z-1 AF system causes the FA 100mm macro to hunt
> somewhat at close focusing distances, and the metering system consistently
> overexposes by anywhere between 1/3 and 2/3 of a stop (depending upon the
> film too

You should get your camera and/or lens checked...


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