Hey, that's ok Frank,  I'll reply to your post, clear up anything, add,
whatnot, but after this, it's just like the bokeh, I won't even open emails
regarding, so just a heads up for people so you don't waste your time.  Pass
the word because everyone was going to jump on me while I just wrote an
honest email.  I knew it, but I had to tell Rob this guy makes us all look
like peanuts.

> This guy sounds like an a-hole, Brad.

He is actually a very nice nice man, I've even seen his gf, hot.  Big house.
Crazy astro-photography equipment (he lives outside the city, so little
light pollution)  He is so good with very new people, and he's got every
answer for anyone more advanced, and he'll spend the extra time and be nice
and explain to someone how f/5.6 at 1/60 is the same exposure as f/4 at
1/125 (I got that right?).

> He says anyone on the Net is a "crap hobbyist", yet he's had no contact
> anyone on this list, hasn't seen anyone's work, knows nothing about anyone
> this list (except you).

I could be wrong, frequently am.  I don't think I said that, and if I did,
it's partly wrong.  There is a lot of information here, that's why I'm here,
you're all ahead of me, and it's Pentax, so here I be.  The thing is, the
web and internet is not for everyone.  He could care less about anything on
here, he's too busy, and he knows most/all the stuff, besides the rare gem
or two, that's here.

> Seems to me that there are a few pros here, and a few serious hobbyists
> opinions are worthy of consideration.  But to him, everyone here is a
> hobbyist".
> Yup.  I'd say he's a pretentious, pompous a-hole.

He's not, and he'll laugh when I tell him about this.  But I probably won't
and drop it unless he says, 'Brad, how's the PDML going?!'   You boys and
girls already know what I think, the internet can be great, and it can also
be a load of crap.  Sure, ya gotta be smart to sort through it.  What if you
don't have to?  They also have a store attached to the studio.  They deal
with reps., and he studies optical physics books.  He knows what's on here
already, without having to go on.  And just to repeat myself, because he
deserves it, he's a stand-up super guy.  Really impressive.  He's not going
to quibble and debate issue here, he doesn't care and doesn't have time.
Now, I told one person off-list about this.  But you should hear his
thoughts on 'bokeh'.  You won't like it.

> So tell me:  if, as you say "If I had to listen to him or anyone
> here or anyone on the web you guys claim is a God, I'd pick him", then why
> you even seek any opinions from this list?  Why not just go to your
> (but don't bother him while he's counting his piles of money) in the first
> place?  It might save lots of time...

Well, it's a person to person thing.  It's hard to connect, so to speak.  I
got him during classes, and I've visited a bunch of times while he worked.
There is only so much, PLUS, this group is Pentax, not Nikon (although he is
actually just as well versed in other systems), I mean, he doesn't always
use a Nikon in the studio or field, he's got his large and medium format
Hassleblads and whatever (I really don't know that area)  He also has all
the neat Nikon digitals P&S, DSLR, latest and greatest. He has a real life
spy camera he showed us, James Bond crap, he had some laser sight stuff that
I dunno what he did with it, besides what he said was measure exact
distances.  He hates Canon.  Respects Pentax.  Not bad.

So anyhow, it wouldn't save time.  I've already said in this post and in
many others that most of you are beyond me and I have much to learn here,
and I do, and (usually enjoy it).  You're also Pentax, and that's a big help
because you just can't go buy books and such on Pentax like you can with
Nikon and Canon systems.  For myself, this is a valuable place of

So ya, he thinks anyone spending time being a tech. spec. wizard generally
means they lack real creative talent.  He also thinks that beginners or
above that buy all the latest high end stuff.  Extreme stuff, are also
making up for a deficiency in talent.  I guess he has his rights and
reasons, just as you do about what you think of him.  I have a need for the
Web, and list, but I'm a small fish, he doesn't.  In fact he tells me to get
off this stuff and learn in the field.  Forget about the internet.  Well, I
can't.  I'm a computer nerd first actually.  If given force-choiced between
photos and computers, I'd dump my Pentax right off and upgrade like heck on
this and my other systems.

> Sorry, but your post really ticked me off.

Hey, don't be sorry.  You have a right to your opinion, I'm not angry,
because now I know how to handle the list.  I won't get into debates that
leads to insults, or if I do, I stop reading them and let people blast away
at nothing.  I think your mis-informed, but that could partly be my fault.
I hope I made up some of that ground here.  Maybe not.  I tried.  But I must
say and defend someone who knows his stuff, makes a killing, and is a super
nice guy.  He just wonders why some who say they have all this and that and
know this and that, aren't actually *doing* a lot, or making money from it,
instead of sitting in a chair looking at cyberspace.  Hey, I am not sticking
it to you, I'm one of them or you, you know what I mean..

So, like I said up top, I'm out.  I don't filter or delete posts, I just let
them come and chuckle that people are still posting on some topics.  No
doubt calling me all sorts of nasty dirty things :)  The same goes with
this, I said what I did in reply to Rob, you came in first Frank and I
responded to you and added things and hoped to clarify.  I may have or may
not have, but I'm not going to type up another dozen emails saying the same
thing and just getting called names.  And remember, I learn from you, and
others and the web.  I simply cannot say it's all crap.  A lot is (not you,
the net), but some of it is good stuff.

I hope you are not offended at *me*  I am not offended at your email.


Brad Dobo

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