Norm & Bruce,
Anybody who has two email accounts subscribed to the pdml, 
and uses one to respond to his comments from the other
is way over the top for me.   
...and cabin fever hasn't even started yet in the great white north. <g>
Regards,  Bob S.


<< Bruce, you're right, damn it you're right...  Maybe I was hoping for a 
 response along the lines of "after I consult my fellow knights of the 
 round table, etc. etc. .....the  tennis balls coming out of the TV will 
 tell us what to do....etc. etc.".
 Bruce Rubenstein wrote:
 >And you are responding from some ignorant, psychotic kid from Pavement
 >Narrows Ontario, because?
 >I'm crushed, crushed by my bitter disappointment in you.
 >From: Norman Baugher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 >Why are you subscribed to a list of "crap hobbyists"?
 >Pentax Guy wrote:
 >><snip a load of crap>
 >> >>

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