I've been using an Epson 1200 for about five years. I've experienced
clogged heads five times or so, but the problem was always solved with a
nozzle cleaning or two. I'm extremely pleased with the performance of
this printer.
  In my line of work I have the opportunity to review the portfolios of
numerous high-dollar pros. Most of the portfolios consist of inkjet
prints. I've inquired numerous times in regard to how they were
produced. All were done on Epsons. Some on 2000s, some on 1270s or
1280s, and quite a few on the older 1200s.
Paul Stenquist

Doug Franklin wrote:
> On Wed, 13 Nov 2002 14:18:14 -0000, Rob Brigham wrote:
> > If I print more than 2 or so sheets of A4 without running
> > normal porous paper in the meantime then one or other of the
> > heads often clogs.
> I haven't had a problem like that.  If I had, I'd have returned the
> printer.

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