Bob Walkden wrote:
> Hi,
> > Does Bruce's Breweries still exist? I remember frequenting the Frog and
> > Firkin

Where IS one?
I have a small replica Frog and Firkin pub sign I hang up above my
wine rack.
Got in England a couple of years ago.
I'd like to visit one, if for nothing more than to add to some of the
photos of pub signs I have! ;^)
Of course, I'd have to stop in for a pint!

keith whaley
> there are still some Firkin pubs around but I don't think they're
> owned by Bruce's anymore. Haven't been into one in years. I remember
> going to one somewhere near Waterloo once with a friend who wasn't
> familiar with the Dogbloater Experience. At the end of the evening we
> got a black cab back and I distinctly remember sitting in the back of
> it on the way up Haverstock Hill while my mate leaned out the open door
> leaving a trail of puke all the way up to Hampstead.
> That must have been in the early 80s. He was working for nothing as an
> assistant to quite a well-known studio photographer, and living
> rent-free sleeping on my carpet. In the next door flat lived a nurse
> whose boyfriend was in the SPG (historical note: an elite police squad
> not noted for their liberal sympathies towards alternative life
> styles). PC Plod used to growl and snarl every time he saw one of us
> because he thought we were gay. To wind him up we used to put 'YMCA'
> on the stereo very loudly and sing along to it raucously. <g> Glad I
> was never on the other side of a riot shield & truncheon from him!
> ---
>  Bob

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