If I ever figure out how to do a web page.  Might have to wait until the next 
PUG.....hmm, I wonder if there is a theme coming up that this lens would be good for?  

William in Utah.

12/2/2002 6:58:04 PM, "Dan Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>On Monday, December 2, 2002, at 06:44  PM, William Johnson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I just received in the mail a 300/4 M* that I picked up on ebay for 
>> $149 BIN.  This is my first prime longer than 135mm, and my first 
>> "star" lens.    It's hard to beleive how small
>> it is.  Can't wait to try it out.
>> William in Utah (who has to wait until the weekend to be home when 
>> there is daylight)
>Cool score! Sounds like a bargain. You will post some samples, won't 
>Dan Scott

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