What on earth is the 'thumbnail flick' MLU Frank?



frank theriault wrote:
Hey, speaking of MLU on 6x7's, does anyone know if they have a version of the
"thumbnail flick" MLU like some of the old Pentax mechanical 35mm bodies have?
I'm not sure if they were actually ~designed~ that way, but my MX and Spotmatics
are certainly capable of it, although I've never actually used it for shooting.

Just curious.


Pat White wrote:

No, Dave, I haven't missed the mirror lockup, and I've done a few macro
shots on the tripod.  Maybe it's more crucial with really long lenses, but
with the big neg, you can shoot with 400-speed film and still get grainless
8x10s, along with higher shutter speeds.  You can easily use the camera
handheld at 1/250 sec.... <snip>

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Shaun Canning								
Cultural Heritage Services 						
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Victoria, 3658.


Phone: 0414-967644

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