Mike Johnston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>We did a pretty extensive survey on CompuServe that I wrote up for the old
>_Camera & Darkroom_ magazine. We wanted to determine what a basic kit of
>primes would be for most photographers. The consensus was that an "average"
>kit would consist of four lenses: a 20 or 24; a 35 or 50; an 85, 90, 100, or
>105; and a 180 or 200. Many people, if allowed one zoom, would have replaced
>the long lens with an 80-200. The only significant departure from this norm
>was a significant minority of wildlife or sports shooters, who would skew
>their kits towards longer lenses; one such guy, for example, used a 24,
>80-200, 300, and 400.

Last time I was at Grandfather Mountain I found I did about 95% of my
shooting with three lenses: 15/3.5, 24/2.0 and 80-200/2.8. I think the other
5% was with the 43/1.9.

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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