Powell's has it

Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>>Reading the life experiences of photographers I admire, it is clear that 
>>>they simply do their own thing and be done with it.
>>Recommended book: "Seeing the Light" by Tom Shroder and John Barry (ISBN
>>It's the story of Clyde Butcher and a remarkable story it is. With no formal
>>photographic training he built a business doing landscape photography and
>>got rich selling big color photos to corporate clients like J.C. penney.
>>Then he went bust. Then he scraped out a living selling photos at art shows
>>around the country, until his son was killed in a traffic accident, when
>>Clyde decided "screw it, I'm gonna do what *I* wanna do" and comited himself
>>to doing nothing but large format black and white - stuff that just doesn't
>>sell on the art show circuit. This is the work that has since made him
>>famous. He's often referred to as the Ansel Adams of the Florida Everglades
>>and his work *is* amazing. His story is much longer and more bizarre than my
>>synopsis here can convey and the authors do a good job of telling it. And
>>the book is also full of Clyde Butcher's incredible photographs.
>Sounds like it's right up my street. Thanks Mark. I checked Amazon (USA 
>and UK) and otehrs, and it's out of print. Does anyone know of a copy for 
>I'm coming to the end of my current read (The Dressing Station by Richard 
>Caplan - a surgeon's autobiography - high terror followed by uproarious 
>humour) and I need something to line up next. Actually, this is quite 
>timely - I was going to start a new thread asking if anyone had any 
>recommendations re bios and especially autobios of photographers.
>Free UK Macintosh Classified Ads at
>Oh, swipe me! He paints with light!

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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