On Thu, Nov 04, 2010 at 01:15:07PM -0600, Derrik Pates wrote:
> On 11/4/10 12:47 PM, Dmitriy Lyfar wrote:
>> I use pdns with own implemented backend. Queries which is not recognised
>> by my backend are redirected to the
>> pdns-recursor. I'd like to change TTL value for all queries and found
>> default-ttl option which is equal to 3600 by default,
>> I've changed that to 300, but there is no effect and I still see
>> arbitrary TTLs in pdns answer:
>> powerdns.com.        2596    IN    A
>> Is there any way to have same TTL for all queries I redirected to
>> recursor (in my backend I set up ttl manually, so no problem with
>> queries which can be resolved by backend)? Thank you.
> The TTL indicated in a recursor response tells how long the recursor 
> intends to keep that particular cached record for. It counts down from the 
> time it was last retrieved from the master. I don't think PowerDNS has a 
> mechanism to override that. However, it is there for a reason.

Yes, and that value is the value that a well behaved DNS client should
use to schedule its next DNS query for that host.

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