On Thu, Nov 04, 2010 at 02:53:00PM -0600, Derrik Pates wrote:
> On 11/4/10 2:30 PM, abang wrote:
>> See http://doc.powerdns.com/built-in-recursor.html
>> max-cache-ttl
>> Maximum number of seconds to cache an item in the DNS cache, no matter 
>> what the original TTL specified. Available since 3.2.
> But that won't fix the TTL value to always be that specific value in 
> returned records, which is what the OP wants.

You should be able to do that will a lua script in version 3.3 with
the no-cache directive and set the TTL for the packet manually. I
have not tested it personally, but that sounds like it would work.

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