When you say nothing happens, do you mean that:

a) the Package Explorer view (or whatever one you're using) doesn't change,
b) the open editor with the error message doesn't change,
c) the Synch view doesn't change (if this is a vcs-shared file), or
d) all of the above?

When you say PDT 1, do you mean PDT 1.0.3 (for Eclipse 3.3) or PDT 1.0.5
(for Eclipse 3.4) ? If 1.0.3, have you tried to reproduce this problem with
1.0.5, too?


2009/1/6 James Dempster <letss...@gmail.com>

> To further describe the problem I'm experiencing.
> If I edit an ini file outside of Eclipse PDT 2.0 then open it in eclipse I
> get the warning that the file has changed, I hit F5 it re syncs the cache
> and all is fine.
> If I edit a php file outside of Eclipse PDT 2.0 then open it in eclipse I
> get the warning that the file has changed, I hit F5 and nothing happens
> (plus I try all the other things mentioned still nothing happens)
> If I edit a php file outside of Eclipse PDT 1.0 then open it in eclipse I
> get the warning that the file has changed, I hit F5 it re syncs the cache
> and all is fine.
> The file is on a remote server though a network share.
> Eclipse has been allocated 256MB same as PDT 1.0 and it's peaked at 204MB.
> I would have though Eclipse bug but then files other than php files behave
> as I expect them to, they refresh when I hit F5.
> /James
> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Nick Boldt <nickbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This issue is particularly visible if you have parts of one project
>> checked out in the workspace as a different project; for example, you might
>> have /cvsroot/tools/org.eclipse.pdt checked out as a single huge project,
>> then Import > Existing projects the subfolder org.eclipse.pdt.releng into
>> your workspace. Any time you change something in org.eclipse.pdt.releng, the
>> equivalent file in the org.eclipse.pdt/org.eclipse.pdt.releng project in
>> your workspace will become out of sync with the file system.
>> (As Michael says, this happens too when a file is modified outside Eclipse
>> too.)
>> Even with the 'refresh workspace automatically' option enabled, this can
>> happen on large workspaces because it takes a while for Eclipse to "see" all
>> the file system changes and refresh silently.
>> As to the issue of having to close & reopen, that sounds like an Eclipse
>> bug, perhaps related to how much available memory it has been allocated [1].
>> Is the out-of-sync file a local file, or something from a remote mount or
>> share?
>> [1]
>> http://wiki.eclipse.org/IRC_FAQ#I.27m_having_memory.2C_heap.2C_or_permgen_problems.2C_what_can_I_do.3F
>> Nick
>> Michael Spector wrote:
>>> This problem is not related to PDT. This usually happens when some
>>> file was modified externally. Once you refresh your files in Eclipse,
>>> and make sure that they are not modified from outside of Eclipse
>>> you'll be OK.
>>> 2009/1/6 James Dempster <letss...@gmail.com>:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> I've just upgraded to PDT 2.0 (also tested with 2.1 beta) found a
>>>> problem
>>>> when files becomes out of sync and you get the message
>>>> Resource is out of sync with the file system: '<filename>'.
>>>> Press 'F5' or select File > Refresh to refresh the file.
>>>> Press F5 or selecting File > Refresh doesn't fix it. I have to close the
>>>> file and reopen it.
>>>> Am I doing something wrong it seemed to work fine in PDT 1
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> /James
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>> Nick Boldt :: http://wiki.eclipse.org/User:Nickb
>> Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash CBI
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Nick Boldt :: JBoss, a division of Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio
Release Engineer :: Eclipse Modeling & Dash CBI
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