On Thu, 2004-07-22 at 12:07, ceri shaw wrote:
> Hi
> I am new to PDXLUG but not entirely new to Linux. I have been running
> Redhat 9 for about a year and there are some areas that I am fairly
> proficient in and others that I am astoundingly ignorant about. Anyway
> what I wanted to ask was, how wise is it to upgrade to Fedora Core 2
> right now? I have read a number of reviews, some favourable, others
> not so favourable. 

I think that it's alright to upgrade to FC2. I use it on my home machine
and laptop and it's really nice. The only problem w/it is that there
aren't a lot of RPM's available for it.

The only bug that seems to cause people headaches is that if you are
dual-booting Windows/Linux it would sometimes make Windows unable to
boot. I dual boot on the two machines I have it on and it works fine.

If you do want to install FC2, don't do an upgrade, install it from
scratch. Then be sure to use apt for rpm (http://freshrpms.net/) on it
with synaptic. It's really nice for installing packages.

> All in all FC2 sounds like it shares all the weaknesses and strengths
> of a earlier Redhat distros. Is my initial impression accurate?

I think that's entirely accurate.

> I am hoping to use FC2 to host a website which will be used to sell
> various merchandise ( mostly t-shirts, buttons etc) for some business
> associates of mine who, if they ever get their act together, are
> interested in selling online. 

Is there any reason you don't want to pay a hosting company to host your
site? Hosting a website can be quite a headache. There are plenty of
Linux based hosting companies that don't cost too much. I can suggest
some if you want.

> The problem is that I currently only have one machine and my wife
> wants to use it for email, yahoo messenger, general browsing, word
> processing etc. That means of course that I will be installing the
> entire package thus making it harder to secure.

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend mixing a server and a desktop machine.

> I have heard that FC2 includes something called SELinux which is a
> security hardening feature. What does it do? How reliable is it? Does
> it work?

SELinux really isn't ready for prime time in FC. It's disabled by
default in FC2 because it caused a lot of headaches for people. It 

> Hoping someone can advise me.

I hope this helps. :-)


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