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Convicted killer given stay of execution
Georgia board rules day before scheduled death after witnesses recant

The Associated Press
Updated: 9:31 p.m. CT July 16, 2007

ATLANTA - A man convicted of killing a police officer won a reprieve a day
before his scheduled execution, after his lawyers argued that several
witnesses had recanted or changed their testimony.

The state Board of Pardons and Paroles on Monday granted a stay of
execution of up to 90 days to Troy Davis, 38, who was convicted of killing
a Savannah police officer in 1989.

He had faced a Tuesday execution date before the board’s decision, which
came after less than an hour of deliberation. The stay means the execution
will be on hold while the board weighs the evidence presented as part of
Davis’ request for clemency. The board must rule by Oct. 14.

Earlier Monday, lawyers for Davis pleaded with the board during a
closed-door hearing to grant their client a reprieve. Prosecutors were
then given a chance to rebut the clemency request.

After the decision, defense lawyer Jason Ewart expressed relief. “We are
no longer under the gun, and we can present the rest of our innocence
case,” he said.

The officer’s widow, Joan MacPhail, decried the ruling. “I believe they
are setting a precedent for all criminals that it is perfectly fine to
kill a cop and get away with it,” she said. “By making us wait, it’s
another sock in the stomach. It’s tearing us up.”

Also Monday, Davis’ lawyers filed an appeal with the state Supreme Court.

Prosecutor: 'The right man'

During the parole hearing, Davis’ friends and relatives spoke in support
of the clemency petition, along with Rep. John Lewis, an Atlanta Democrat
and civil rights icon. Five witnesses who testified at the trial spoke to
the board on Davis’ behalf, Ewart said.

Lewis did not speak to reporters after leaving the hearing, but he did
issue a copy of his prepared comments to the board.

“I do not know if he is guilty of the charges of which he has been
convicted,” Lewis told the board. “But I do know that nobody should be put
to death based on the evidence we now have in this case.”

Prosecutors and the victim’s family have argued that Davis received a fair
trial and has had plenty of appeals, all of which failed.

“I believe police did their job correctly and found the right man,” the
slain officer’s son, Mark MacPhail Jr., told reporters after his family
addressed the board.

MacPhail said he told the board what it was like to grow up without a
father. The son, now 18, was less than 2 months old when his father was

The elder MacPhail was shot twice after he rushed to help a homeless man
who had been assaulted. The Aug. 19, 1989, shooting happened in a Burger
King parking lot next to a bus station where MacPhail, 27, worked off-duty
as a security guard.

Conflicting testimony

Davis’ lawyers say seven witnesses have recanted or contradicted their
testimony that they saw Davis shoot the officer, saw him assault the
homeless man or heard Davis confess to the slaying.

Three people who did not testify have said in affidavits that another man,
Sylvester Coles, confessed to killing the officer after Davis was
convicted. After the shooting, Coles identified Davis as the killer.

The Associated Press has been unable to locate Coles for comment, and
Ewart has declined to say whether he knows Coles’ whereabouts. Coles was
not at the parole board hearing Monday.

Prosecutors argue that most of the witness affidavits, signed between 1996
and 2003, were included in Davis’ previous appeals and should not be
considered new evidence.

Davis, in a telephone interview with The Associated Press from prison,
said last week that his arrest was a case of mistaken identity.

“All I have to lean on is prayer that God will step in and correct this
wrong that was done,” he said.

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