Hi Sung,

> On Jun 20, 2014, at 6:34 PM, "Sungchul Ji" <s...@rci.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> Matt wrote:
> "Just like 'standing still' is a special case of          (062014-1)
> motion, matter is a special case of mind."
> Do you mean by (062014-1) that "Matter is a necessary condition for mind" ?

I didn't mean that. That the special case is a necessary condition for the 
usual case? Maybe it's true, but I'm not signing my name to that.

> Would you agree that
> "Just as 'standing still' is assocaited with a zero        (062014-2)
> velcoity and motion with non-zero velocities, so matter
> is associated with a zero capacity for thinking while
> mind has non-zero capacity of thinking ?"

I thought of this. I do agree. 
   I used to be a relativist. Back then I would've agreed and further stated 
that thinking and not thinking are each special states relative to each 
other—each seeing itself as mind and the other as matter; or if keeping short 
of the absolutes*, each one thinking he has the superior capacity of mind. But 
now I tend to think that matter is dormant mind, not completely dead, and that 
capacity is not relative.**

* The pre-quantum physicists must have thought that the special case of 
absolute zero velocity was nowhere to be found in the physical universe. But 
now there's a Planck-Wheeler time and space so I guess there's a minimum speed. 
But that's out of my scope. Is there a similar minimum capacity for thought? I 
don't think I'd even understand the answer. 

** Relativism still nags me. I haven't yet jumped with both feet into 'extreme 
scholastic realism'.


> It may be that Statement (062014-1) is akin to saying that a glass is half
> full, whereas Statement (062014-2) is akin to saying that a glass is half
> empty: Both statements are true.
> With all the best.
> Sung
> __________________________________________________
> Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.
> Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
> Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
> Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
> Rutgers University
> Piscataway, N.J. 08855
> 732-445-4701
> www.conformon.net
>> You're unnecessarily complicating things. Just like 'standing still' is a
>> special case of motion, matter is a special case of mind.
>> Matt
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