But do note that what all relations have in common is suprasubjectivity

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Awbrey [mailto:jawb...@att.net]
Sent: Tuesday, September 02, 2014 9:55
To: Edwina Taborsky
Cc: Gary Fuhrman; biosemiot...@lists.ut.ee; Peirce List
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Natural Propositions

Re: Edwina Taborsky
At: http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.science.philosophy.peirce/13840


Setting terminology aside for just a moment, there is at present a general lack 
of understanding as to what constitutes (1) a relation, (2) a triadic relation, 
(3) a triadic sign relation.  Those subjects are treated by Peirce in his logic 
of relative terms and the corresponding mathematics of relations, all of which 
is clear enough in his early papers.  Without a grasp of that background, most 
of what he writes later is doomed to be mis-interpreted.


Edwina Taborsky wrote:
> Gary F - thanks for this introduction.
> I think it's important to clarify that, first, the interactions between the 
> sign and the object; and the sign and the interpretant, are relations - my 
> use of this term has prompted serious criticism on the Peirce list!  I 
> continue to use the Peircean term of 'representamen' for this mediate 
> sign...rather than sign. I confine the term 'sign' to the full triad of 
> object-representamen-interpretant.
> And I think it's important to acknowledge that there are nine such relations 
> available to semiosis - not just the three of icon, index and symbol - which 
> refer anyway, only to the relation of the representamen to the object and 
> ignore the other two vital semiosic processes of the representamen-in-itself 
> and the relation to the interpretant.
> Edwina

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