Howard, lists,

I regard math's effectiveness in idioscopy, especially in physics, as wondrous but _/not unreasonable/_, probably because I don't regard either mathematical theory or the mathematical subject matter itself as the mere creation, free or otherwise, of the brain of _/homo sapiens/_, likewise as I don't regard physical theory, much less the physical subject matter itself, as the mere creation, free or otherwise, of the brain of _/homo sapiens/_. I don't want to repeat this a whole lot like I'm thumping a table. I'm just saying that if one regards mathematics mainly as a neural activity, then mathematics would seem absurdly effective in physics and other special sciences, as if an average child by doodling had invented a rocket ship.

I should say at some point that the idea of the _/unreasonable/_ seems a lot like the idea of the absurd to me. Maybe it doesn't have as strong a sense of the absurd to you. Many physical phenomena have been anomolous, surprising, not reasoned out by people, but I don't think of them as literally unreasonable. Well, one can't reason with a brute force, a brute force is unreasonable in that sense.

In your quote of Peirce, he is not discussing the effectiveness of mathematics in the special sciences. He is saying that mathematical necessity is just as occult, mysterious, hidden from direct consciousness, as is the natural necessity in chemical reactions; and that both kinds of necessity compel certain outcomes in which one learns something over and above the principles in conformity to which one set up the chemical experiment or mathematical observation.

   [Quote Peirce 1887, W 6:37-38]
   I wish to begin by giving you some general idea of the nature of
   reasoning. All reasoning involves observation. A chemist sets up an
   apparatus of flasks and tubes, he puts certain substances in the
   former, he applies heat, and then he watches closely to see what the
   result will be. The procedure of the mathematician is closely
   analogous to this. He draws a diagram, for example, conforming to
   certain general conditions, and then he observes certain relations
   among the parts of this diagram, over and above those which were
   used to determine the construction of it. The result that the
   chemist observes is brought about by Nature, the result that the
   mathematician observes is brought about by the associations of the
   mind. But this does not constitute so radical a distinction as it
   seems at first sight to do; for were the laws of nature not
   intelligible, that is, were they not such as naturally occur to the
   human mind, the chemist's observation could never teach him
   anything, while on the other hand the power that connects the
   conditions of the mathematician's diagram with the relations he
   observes in it is just as occult and mysterious   to us as the power
   of Nature that brings about the result of the chemical experiment.
   You do not quite see the truth of this? No, why should you: I have
   stated it in abstract terms, which give you nothing to observe this
   fact in, and the mind can see no truth except by observation. To
   enable you to see it, I will give two instances of simple
   mathematical reasoning; you will please first see that they are
   proofs, and then remark the fact that even after you know the proofs
   you have no direct consciousness of the necessity that binds the
   conclusion to the conditions supposed.
   [End quote]

This parallelism of necessities is a condition, part (but hardly the whole) of an explanation of why math would be effective in special sciences.

In my previous post I indicated most of the rest of how I look at it, so most of this will be a restatement. Mathematical considerations compel mathematicians to agreed conclusions such that one can say that mathematicals can be objectively investigated, and that's realness enough. And, as Peirce said, "no imagination is _/mere/_" More of the explanation of math's effectiveness in idioscopy can be seen in math's extreme generality: the mathematical form studied is left quite indefinite in all but certain respects. Peirce said,

   [CP 5.550, "Basis of Pragmaticism," 1906, quote]
   A _/mathematical form/_ of a state of things is such a
   representation of that state of things as represents only the
   samenesses and diversities involved in that state of things, without
   definitely qualifying the subjects of the samenesses and
   diversities. [....] The complete mathematical form of any state of
   things, real or fictitious, represents every ingredient of that
   state of things except the qualities of feeling connected with it.
   It represents whatever importance or significance those qualities
   may have; but the qualities themselves it does not represent.
   [End quote]

I would add, without representing actual concrete haecceitous individuals either; if we're considering _/two/_ things in general, they don't need to be Aristotle and Socrates, so the mathematical form keeps just the aspect important for the form under consideration, their twoness.

So mathematics is much more general than the special sciences. Pure mathematics is about as general as one can get. It's about what can be, what could be, what could have to be, potential necessities, potential inexorabilities, if you will. Mathematics is rife with transformabilities, often enough _/wondrous/_ (though _/not unreasonable/_) in depth and capacity to bridge the seemingly most disparate things. This gives it power to range over possibilities widely enough to capture in its net those possibilities nontrivially instantiated in the actual world, and such possibilities have been much researched for that reason; Newton developed calculus to deal with mechanics. We all learn arithmetic for obvious reasons. Our imagination and mathematics involve many generalizations and abstractions _/from/_ our actual world. Physical laws instantiate some mathematical relations or rules particularly well. Peirce called "nomology" the study of universal laws and elements, physical or psychological, in the special sciences. "Nomological" is a lot like "nomothetic." It means pertaining to universal idioscopic laws which hold for reasons that we don't fully understand, laws that have _/not/_ been derived in their specific characters, the specific values in conventional units, etc., of their constants, etc., from entirely philosophical, statistical, or mathematical considerations. Instead they need to be established by experiments on nature. (Peirce held that the laws developed by habit-taking). That's the difference that I see between physical laws/inexorabilities and mathematical rules/inexorabilities. That there is something idiosyncratic, "just so," about physical laws in comparison to mathematical rules does not stop physical laws from instantiating mathematical rules. And, as I said, many mathematical rules, such as the lack of a dynamic chiral transformation of a rigid body, are instantiated in physics without being rules of time and rates such that brute forces governed by those rules arise like sheriffs to enforce those times and rates inexorably. In pure mathematical forms that bruteness is not represented, and the pure form represents the forces only indistinctly along with endless other things together as a generality of things; it takes indices to tie the form to specifically representing the physical which is itself a physical representation of the form. I think that in your sense of 'inexorable' you are combining the bruteness of the force with the law's character as a necessity. I see no reason to regard as a quirk or happenstance the world's alliance of bruteness of force and physical law together, and I can see that physical law involves bruteness in a way that mathematical rules do not, if that's what you're getting at. While it's wondrous that necessities operate in the natural world, and that mathematics gets so deep, I don't think that any of it is unreasonable, or that it is unreasonable that physical necessities instantiate mathematical ones.

Beyond that, I'd say that indeed there is something even more mathematical about physics, especially mechanics (which Einstein called that part of physics which has been reduced to a mathematical formalism), than about other special sciences. However, my approach to making some sort of sense of it is, first of all - not solely, but still first -, to try to see it as an instance of a pattern, a tree in a forest. To me what would seem unreasonable would be that it were not part of a larger pattern. Since I seem to be the only person I know of who sees it that way, maybe it's just an odd turn of my mind. If theoretical physics is the most mathematical of idioscopy, what is the most idioscopic of idioscopy? I see two axes along which to try this. First, there is the axis along which Peirce divides idioscopic sciences into nomological, classificatory, and descriptive/explanatory. I would do it a bit differently, but not with a difference that matters to my example. Geology and human history are examples that Peirce gave of descriptive/explanatory studies, and I'd agree, and add that they are particularly idioscopic areas of idioscopy. Human history in particular is full of idiosyncrasies and involves many webs of explanatory hypotheses and lots of detective work. Then there is another axis, that along which Peirce divides idisocopy into studies of physical phenomena and studies of mental phenomena. Again, I'd do it somewhat differently, but I'm not convinced that it matters in this example. I'd say that the studies of people, society, intelligent beings, etc., have generally more 'idioscopic' quality than the physical sciences have. Then I'd try the same sort of thing with departments of pure math. If a consistent pattern results, it's still kind of mysterious, but at least then the high effectiveness of math in idioscopy, in physics most of all, is not a standalone mystery.

Best, Ben

On 9/23/2014 8:29 PM, Howard Pattee wrote:
At 12:45 PM 9/22/2014, Benjamin Udell wrote:

The laws seem for all the world like mathematical rules nontrivially operative as laws of physical quantities such as force, mass, velocity, etc. That's why the laws can be formulated as mathematical rules, in conventional mathematical symbols and formulas.

Ben, I am trying to understand how you distinguish laws and rules if "laws seem for all the world like mathematical rules." You say, That's why laws can be described by rules. Why does that work?

Like many physicists, I do not see very clearly why the free creations of pure mathematicians, like complex numbers, matrices, infinite dimensional vector spaces, and Lie groups, have turned out to so accurately and elegantly model physical systems -- systems that are themselves beyond our common sense and even our logic. I agree with Wigner, math appears "unreasonably effective," and with Peirce, " . . . it is probable that there is some secret here which remains to be discovered."

Do you not see a categorical difference between laws and rules?


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