I understand -Still, Only an individual, a subject, dependent on societys 
semiotic processes, can represent with his understanding something about 
biological realm. Semiotic analysis about X is premodalized by ones 
understanding on Peirces ideas, for example. Knowledge changes. Thanks for the 

Kindly, markku

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-------- Alkuperäinen viesti --------
Lähettäjä: Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> 
Päivämäärä: 19.12.2014  16.15  (GMT+02:00) 
Saaja: marccu s 
Aihe: Re: [biosemiotics:7792] Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Triadic Relations 
Markku- I'm not, in my semiosic analysis, referring to what HUMANS are talking 
about with their metalanguage. I'm talking about the semiosic processes that go 
on in the biological realm, within the, for example, cell - which has nothing 
to do with human understanding.
Here's a nice analytic site that shows the 'three spokes/Relations of the 
semiosic sign and explains what is going on.
----- Original Message -----
From: marccu s
To: biosemiot...@lists.ut.ee ; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu ; Edwina Taborsky
Sent: Friday, December 19, 2014 6:17 AM
Subject: Re: [biosemiotics:7792] Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: Triadic Relations

X can talk about a biochemical process only by some metalangue. Therefore X 
represents his ideas about bioproc. or for example Peirces ideas by signs. 
Re-presentation includes human understanding, it is not a mechanical process.

Am I wrong?

kindly markku sormunen

Lähetetty laitteesta Windowsin sähköposti

Lähettäjä: Edwina Taborsky
Lähetetty: ‎torstai‎, ‎18‎. ‎joulukuuta‎ ‎2014 ‎21‎:‎22
Vast.ott: biosemiot...@lists.ut.ee, peirce-l@list.iupui.edu

Thanks for your comments, Ben. See mine below, but I think the post is getting 
messy and incomprehensible with the various post/responses all mixed up. You 
are probably the only one who will read it and I hope you can figure it out. 
I'll try colour-coding my current responses.
1)  EDWINA: No- 'represents' is, to me, conceptually similar. To me, semiosis 
is a transformative process; it doesn't just replace 'x' with 'y'. It actually 
takes data from X (let's say, a food source for a cell) and transforms it 
within the Sign (the cell) , to a new 'bit' of information (a component of that 
BEN: So semiosis samples the object data and represents it with a sign. The 
semiosis arranges for itself to be determined by, and thereby represent, the 
object. But the _sign_ doesn't sample the object, instead it is a 
representative sample or representative product of the sample from the object.

EDWINA: No, no, I don't see this 'represents the object data with a sign'. 
That's a linguistic perspective, where a cognitive system, which happens to be 
linguistic, re-presents what the agent observes (eg, Object: a cat sitting out 
there) and re-presents that image with the linguistic sign of 'cat'. That, to 
me, is superficial and hardly acknowledges the strength of Peircean semiosis.

What I'm talking about is a biochemical process, where, let's say, a cell 
(which is a cognitive system) ingests some external data (water, nutrients) 
(Object) and, semiosically transforms that input data, via its mediative 
habits-of-organization (the Representamen)...into ..parts of that cell 

 2) EDWINA: I agree; the ten classes of signs are defined by their relations. I 
didn't say that they 'are the relations defined'. A dicisign is a triad and I 
understand that it is defined by the whole Sign's relation to BOTH the object 
and the interpretant - which is why it is understood as 'conveying information' 

BEN: Yet you continually call the representamen a relation. Back on 8/26/2014 
you called the difference between correlation and correlative "nitpicking".

EDWINA: Yes, it is a Relation-in-Itself. There are three Relations: the one 
between the Representamen-and-the-Object; the one between the 
Representamen-and-the-Interpretant; and the Representamen-in-Itself. The 
Representamen, is 'in itself', because is has a vital function; it mediates 
between the Object and the Interpretant Relations. And, the Representamen is 
often (in six) in the mode of Thirdness, which is a mode of generalization, 
against which particular input data is referenced and 'interpreted'.

------------------------------ From now on, the post/replies/comments...are 
getting messy.

>>>> BEN: Again, Peirce calls sign, object, and interpretant the semiotic 
>>>> correlates, not the semiotic correlations. He typically distinguishes 
>>>> between representation as the relation or operation of representing, on 
>>>> one hand, and sign, or representamen, as that which represents, on the 
>>>> other hand. He never refers to a sign or representamen as a representation 
>>>> except when he is using the word 'representation' in one of its popular 
>>>> senses, to mean _something that represents_, as when we say that a 
>>>> painting is a representation of something, or that somebody made a 
>>>> representation in court.

>>> EDWINA: Agreed - but I think that 'correlates' and 'correlations' is 
>>> nit-picking. I am aware when he uses the terms 'representamen' and 
>>> 'representation' and again, I don't think that changes my outline.
[End quote]

3) BEN: If a dicisign is a triad (consisting of 
representamen-object-interpretant) then what class of representamen is in its 
triad? Another dicisign?  
A dicent representamen?

EDWINA: The representamen in the three dicisigns is not in a class but in a 
mode; in the Dicent Sinsign, the representamen is in a mode of Secondness, and 
in the Dicent Indexical Legisign and the Dicent Symbolic Legisign, the 
representamen is in a mode of Thirdness.

And I have the same problem with some of your comments below, regarding the 
Representamen- where you talk about it as if it were a 'class', while I see it 
as within a 'mode'.


4)  >EDWINA: I don't think that the term 'relation' can be reduced to a 'state' 
(which is what 'quality' is); the term 'relation', to me, means an interaction. 
I don't think that 'blue' is in itself a relation.

BEN: The point is not confusing the abstraction (quality or relation) with the 
concrete source. A quality is static if only color, odor, etc. are considered. 
But there are also rhythm, melody, harmony, qualities of motion and form, etc. 
Peirce considered 'tuone', a cross between 'tune' and 'tone', as a term for 

3) >>>> BEN: Your generally calling relatives or correlates themselves 
"relations", on the other hand, makes it difficult for me to read you; I mean I 
sometimes have trouble following what you say.

>>> EDWINA: I'm using Peirce's terms.

>> BEN: No, and you've never provided an example of his so expressing himself.

> EDWINA: I've given numerous examples of Peirce using the terms of 'relation' 
> to refer to the interactions/connections within the semiosic triad; eg, to 
> repeat yet again, 8.335, "in respect to their relations to their dynamic 
> objects'....

BEN: That's not what I denied. I said "your generally calling relatives or 
correlates themselves 'relations', on the other hand, makes it difficult for me 
to read you...."

And you just said back in (2a): " the ten classes of signs are defined by their 
relations. I didn't say that they 'are the relations defined'." 

Now here's the quote that you cite:

CP 8.335.  In respect to their relations to their dynamic objects,        I 
divide signs into Icons, Indices, and Symbols (a division I gave in 1867). I 
define an Icon as a sign which is determined by its dynamic object by virtue of 
its own internal nature. Such is any qualisign, like a vision, — or the 
sentiment excited by a piece of music considered as representing what the 
composer intended. Such may be a sinsign, like an individual diagram; say a 
curve of the distribution of errors. I define an Index as a sign determined by 
its dynamic object by virtue of being in a real relation to it. Such is a 
Proper Name (a legisign); such is the occurrence of a symptom of a disease. 
(The symptom itself is a legisign, a general type of a definite character. The 
occurrence in a particular case is a sinsign.) I define a Symbol as a sign 
which is determined by its dynamic object only in the sense that it will be so 
interpreted. It thus depends either upon a convention, a habit, or a natural 
disposition of its interpretant or of the field of its interpretant (that of 
which the interpretant is a determination). Every symbol is necessarily a 
legisign; for it is inaccurate to call a replica of a legisign a symbol. 
[End quote]

As you say in (2a), he classifies them in respect of their relations and not as 
said relations themselves.`

6) > EDWINA: See my examples above; I don't think your rewriting the above is 
'the answer'! He also will sometimes capitalize other terms (Symbol, Icon, 
Index, Representamen) and at other times, use lower case. 

It was 'the answer' for the quote that you chose to cite. You're the one who 
said "And often, he'll refer to the whole triad as lower case 'sign' (see 
2.243)!". You have provided no example where he uses either uncapitalized 
'sign' or capitalized 'Sign' to mean the whole triad, much less a quote where 
he stipulates that he is doing so. Replacing instances of 'sign' with 'triad' 
shows that your interpretation of CP 2.243 doesn't work.

5) > EDWINA: I'm sure you know that he often refers to the whole triad in lower 
case; 'the readiest characteristic test showing whether a sign is a Dicisign or 
not...' 2.310.

"Anything which determines something else (its interpretant) to refer to an 
object to which itself refers (its object) in the same way, the interpretant 
becoming in turn a sign" 2.303. And see 8.334--

I don't see it there in any of those quotes. Let's try the substitution test 
with the text that you cite from CP 2.303. It is Peirce's definition of 'sign' 
in the Baldwin Dictionary,

§4. Sign

303. Anything which determines something else (its interpretant) to refer to an 
object to which itself refers (its object) in the same way, the interpretant 
becoming in turn a sign, and so on ad infinitum. 
[End quote, redness added]

Substituting with 'triad' in the sense of 'representamen-object-interpretant' 

§4. Triad

303. Anything which determines something else (the triad's interpretant) to 
refer to an object to which the triad itself refers (the triad's object) in the 
same way, the interpretant becoming in turn a triad, and so on ad infinitum.

The representamen-object-interpretant triad determines something _else_, which 
is the triad's interpretant?

EDWINA: Yes - As you know, a triad (Sign) does connect to something else...
another Sign and so on ad infinitum...



And again I wonder what are the classes of representamina inside those triads. 
Are they of the same classes as the triads? If so, then what is gained by 
calling the whole triad the 'Sign' and classifying it the same way      as the 

EDWINA: I have no idea what you mean by 'class of representamina'. 
Representamens exist  within the categorical modes. Not classes. And I 
certainly don't classify the whole triad (the Sign) in the same way as the 
Representamen. After all, consier a Rhematic Indexical Legisign; it has THREE 
categorical modes within it, in order, Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness.

Let's try it with another text that you cite: 

CP 8.334. As it is in itself, a sign is either of the nature of an appearance, 
when I call it a _qualisign_; or secondly, it is an individual object or event, 
when I call it a _sinsign_ (the syllable        _sin_ being the first syllable 
of _sem_el, _sim_ul, _sin_gular, etc.); or thirdly, it is of the nature of a 
general type, when I call it a _legisign_. [....] 
[End quote, redness added]

Replacing 'sign' with 'triad' in the sense of 
'representamen-object-interpretant triad': 

As it is in itself, a triad is either of the nature of an appearance, when I 
call the triad a _qualisign_; or secondly, the triad is an individual object or 
event, when I call the triad a _sinsign_ (the syllable _sin_ being the first
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