To begin with I could tell you that an object is any object of discussion or 
thought, like yesterday's news, today's catch, or tomorrow's sea battle, and 
what good would a logic be that could not talk or think of any object of 
discussion or thought?


> On Jan 11, 2015, at 10:40 PM, Howard Pattee <> wrote:
> At 04:44 AM 1/11/2015, Jon Awbrey wrote:
> Helmut, Howard,
>> Do you have any questions about logical graphs in general or this species of 
>> logical graphs in particular? 
> I have no problem with Peirce's logic graphs. I recommend Sowa's elaboration 
> of Peirce's Tutorial on Existential Graphs made clear with its many detailed 
> examples. 
> I was simply agreeing with Helmut that there is "some deficiency of how to 
> apply [Perice's] theory to practice or to examples."
> Never mind the details of the ten classes of signs. What I would like to see 
> are realistic examples of Peirce's basic concepts like, e.g., object, 
> immediate, dynamic, and final interpretant, representamen and quasi mind. 
> Howard 
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