
The commutative triangle model of semiosis provides a convenient method for
distinguishing between "interactions" and "communications":

                                f                        g
               Object ---------->  Sign ----------> Interpretant
                    |                                                      ^
                    |                                                      |

Figure 1.  A category-theoretical model of smiosis.  f = sign production; g
= sign interpretation; h = information flow, with the commutative
condition, f x g = h, satisfied.

Step h simply means that no information would flow from the utterer to the
hearer unless and until they agree on the meaning the sign. In other words,
without Step h, Steps f and g can only transfer ENERGY from the utterer to
the hearer but not INFORMATION.  For example, if a Norwegian says something
to me in his/her native lounge, I would not receive any information,
although his/her voice would reach my ear drums and excite neurons in my
auditory cortex.  That is, the Norwegian and I will interact through sound
waves but would not communicate.

Applying this argument to biosemiotics, I would predict that
physicochemical interactions among abiotic molecules cannot carry out
smiosis unless they constitute parts of a commutative triangle with Step h
in operation.  For example, the chemical reaction, 2 H_2 + O_2 -----> 2
H_2O, is not a semiosis because this reaction is not a triadic process but
a monadic one (i.e., there is only one chemical step) and hence cannot
constitute an irreducibly triadic system as all semiosic processes are.

With all the best.


Sungchul Ji, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology
Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy
Rutgers University
Piscataway, N.J. 08855

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