jon, list I changed my mind. "The simple is the negative of the individual."  
This is the last line of section 1.   I took the sign "~a" as 0  on the grounds 
that the product of negated individuals would be 0 if "a" is the logical sum of 
individuals. I then assumed you could introduce something else, say "b," and if 
not, then a single algebra is defined.   That may be ok. But that is not the 
problem.  Rather, both limits collapse forcing a redescription of what is 
individual and what is simple. Thus, what is in an individual up to N comes 
unglued in R.  Correspondingly, what is a simple in R requires more flexibility 
in the definition of an individual.
Jim W> Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2015 11:00:06 -0500
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Peirce's 1880 “Algebra Of Logic” Chapter 3 • Selection 6
> Post   : Peirce's 1880 “Algebra Of Logic” Chapter 3 • Selection 6
> Posted : February 16, 2015 at 10:30 am
> Peircers,
> As long as I've got the WordPress warmed up,
> I might as well post the last paragraph of
> the present section, CP 3.222.  And then
> I think it's probably time to balance,
> or ballast, these flighty abstractions
> with a few bags of concrete examples.
> Regards,
> Jon
> <blockquote>
> Chapter 3. The Logic of Relatives (cont.)
> §2. Relatives (concl.)
> 222.  Instead of considering the system of a relative as consisting
> of non-relative individuals, we may conceive of it as consisting of
> relative individuals.  Thus, since
> A  =  A:A  +  A:B  +  A:C  +  A:D  +  etc.,
> we have
> A:B  =  (A:A):B  +  (A:B):B  +  (A:C):B  +  (A:D):B  +  etc.
> But
> B  =  B:A  +  B:B  +  B:C  +  B:D  +  etc.;
> so that
> A:B  =  A:(B:A)  +  A:(B:B)  +  A:(B:C)  +  A:(B:D)  +  etc.
> </blockquote>
> References
> • Peirce, C.S. (1880), “On the Algebra of Logic”,
>    American Journal of Mathematics 3, 15–57.
>    Collected Papers (CP 3.154–251),
>    Chronological Edition (CE 4, 163–209).
> • Peirce, C.S., Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce,
>    vols. 1–6, Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss (eds.),
>    vols. 7–8, Arthur W. Burks (ed.), Harvard University Press,
>    Cambridge, MA, 1931–1935, 1958.  Volume 3 : Exact Logic, 1933.
> • Peirce, C.S., Writings of Charles S. Peirce : A Chronological Edition,
>    Peirce Edition Project (eds.), Indiana University Press, Bloomington
>    and Indianapolis, IN, 1981–.  Volume 4 (1879–1884), 1986.
> Resources
> • Peirce’s 1870 Logic Of Relatives
> -- 
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> oeiswiki:
> facebook page:

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