Here's my problem with this. Simply stating that information is "stuff" is
insufficient. "It from Bit" is a cute slogan but nowhere (and I mean
NOWHERE) near good enough.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 1:20 PM, John Collier <> wrote:

>  Yeh, the sort of information talked about in the article is “stuff”. It
> from bit.
> John
> *From:* Edwina Taborsky []
> *Sent:* March 30, 2015 5:18 PM
> *To:* Biosemiotics;
> *Subject:* [biosemiotics:8156] Re: Article on origina of the universe
> Steven - I'd agree that information is, as it exists, an action. In my
> view, matter only exists as 'organized' and thus is in a differentiated
> form, which is to say, it is 'in-formation'. BUT this organization operates
> within networked interactions; in other words - there is no such thing as,
> for example, an isolate 'bit' of matter unconnected to other matter.
> Everything is interactive, is networked, is in that sense, 'in action' and
> in interaction. So, I would say that this is an 'active description of
> information'. Not a passive definition.
> i don't think that energy or matter exist per se. They exist only as
> in-formed, as organized into a particular differentiated unit - i.e, as
> information. As we know,  energy exists in our universe only as matter
> (Einstein)...and I'm agreeing that this matter isn't unorganized but is
> organized into a differentiation from other matter.
> However, you and I disagree on the meaning of information. You seem to say
> that it is 'ideas'; while I am defining information as organized matter.
> The analytic outline of this organized matter, the conscious sign of this
> organized matter - is an 'idea'. But that is secondary to the basic
> ontological reality that is information..i.e., that organized unit of
> matter.
> I'm not saying that ideas have a physical basis - for they may not. eg, a
> unicorn has no physical basis. I'm not talking about ideas at all.
> Information is not the same as an idea, in my view.
> Edwina
>  ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Steven Ericsson-Zenith <>
> *To:* Biosemiotics <> ; Peirce Discussion Forum
> ( <>
> *Sent:* Monday, March 30, 2015 4:05 PM
> *Subject:* [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:8151] Re: Article on origina of
> the universe
> I think this brief discussion is most instructive and it may highlight the
> source of much discontent over the years in the community discussing the
> Perigean works.
> Pierce put ideas first. So if we take this position then I begin to
> understand Edwina's position as Ideal. And in this sense she may be correct
> - all though I have some dispute with her passive definition of
> information. In Shannon's terms, information is an act.
> However, as I pointed out in the recent discussion on Peirce's definition
> of evolution, no Peirce family member ever dismissed the ontological world,
> and their long term goal was to build the bridge between pure mathematics,
> rigorous and impartial ideas, and the physical sciences, the world in which
> these ideas exist.
> As Einstein points out, there is no difference between energy and matter -
> but again, I am puzzled by Edwina's description. However, the hierarchy she
> describes does make some sense. Energy exists as matter (Einstein) and
> matter "exists" (and can be spoken of) as information. So energy appears
> fundamental in her model. I would not disagree with that had it not been
> for ...
> ... her confusing assertion that "not energy, nor matter." By asserting
> that neither matter nor energy exist, the measurable subjects of our
> experience, and that only ideas (information) exists, the world is vacuous.
> There is not basis but ideas.
> Ideas manifestly have a physical basis and to state otherwise, in my mind,
> is denial. It the inverse argument of those that argue that our feeling of
> ideas (often called "consciousness") is an illusion. Also, nonsense.
> Edwina may be happy with such assertions, but it does not satisfy me.
> Steven
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Edwina Taborsky <>
> wrote:
> Stan- no, matter does not exist before/prior to information.
> Matter=information. Since, to be existent as matter, it must be organized.
> This means, that it is information.
> Information is fundamental. Not matter or energy - for they do not exist
> 'per se'. Energy exists as matter and matter exists as information.
> Edwina
>  ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Stanley N Salthe <>
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Monday, March 30, 2015 2:59 PM
> *Subject:* [biosemiotics:8150] Re: Article on origina of the universe
> Edwina -- Your
> information is 'matter-that-is-organized'
> suggests that matter exists before, or is prior to, information.  Is that
> right?
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Edwina Taborsky <>
> wrote:
> Ah, so, to you, 'information is a way of speaking about something'.  To
> me, information is 'matter-that-is-organized' such that it is
> differentiated from other matter. This matter exists because it is
> in-form-ed, i.e., organized within a particular form. Therefore, I agree
> with the outline provided by John Collier.
> To me, information has nothing to do with the secondary level of speaking
> about something. And of course, no requirement therefore for 'adding to
> knowledge' and 'identifying cause'. Those are secondary levels.
> Edwina
>  ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Steven Ericsson-Zenith <>
> *To:* Edwina Taborsky <>
> *Cc:* Steven Ericsson-Zenith <> ; Biosemiotics
> <> ; Peirce Discussion Forum
> ( <>
> *Sent:* Monday, March 30, 2015 1:35 PM
> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:8138] Article on origina of
> the universe relevant to some recent discussions on these lists
> Information is a way of speaking about that which adds to knowledge and
> identifies cause.
> Where I use the term "knowledge" in the general Liberal Physicalist sense
> to refer to that which determines subsequent action.
> Steven
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Edwina Taborsky <>
> wrote:
> Steven - are you saying that information 'is nothing'?
> Edwina
>   ----- Original Message -----
> *From:* Steven Ericsson-Zenith <>
> *To:* Biosemiotics <>
> *Cc:* Peirce Discussion Forum (
> <>
> *Sent:* Monday, March 30, 2015 1:22 PM
> *Subject:* [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:8138] Article on origina of the
> universe relevant to some recent discussions on these lists
> Stunningly comical. Energy from information ... an unplausible
> mathematical description of something from nothing. It goes to show what
> you get from an ungrounded purely mathematical education.
> Steven
> On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 9:47 AM, John Collier <> wrote:
> Dear lists,
> The following article is relevant to issues of “What came before the Big
> Bang?”, the evolution of laws in the universe and some others. It cites,
> among others, David Layzer and myself, and generally follows the approaches
> that we have argued for. It also brings together other related material
> from other sources related to symmetry breaking (information formation,
> and, if on a cosmic scale, law formation). In particular it invokes the “no
> boundary conditions” requirement for a satisfactory cosmological theory
> (favoured by Hawking, Smolin, Layzer and many other cosmologists). The
> authors give this condition as that the universe originated in a
> singularity that is not knowable, since it contains no information.
> Information, here, is of course the physicists’ notion of “it from bit”,
> used in cosmology, the study of black holes and in some branches of Quantum
> Theory (quantum computation and quantum field theory in particular),
> according to which energy and matter are incidental, and information
> (distinctness) is fundamental.
> The paper is Spontaneous Creation of the Universe Ex Nihilo
> Maya Lincoln
> Electronic Address:
> Affiliation: University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel
> Avi Wasser
> Electronic Address:
> Affiliation: University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel
> It can be found online with a good search engine.
> The paper is a sketch of the theory rather than a theory (as they say “a
> first step”). I don’t think it differs all that much from David Layzer’s
> views, judging by my discussions with him about twenty years ago. But
> perhaps it is more boldly stated. I am not satisfied that it really
> resolves the issue of why there is something rather than nothing, but if it
> does, it makes the existence of the Universe necessary rather than
> contingent.
> Cheers,
> John
> John Collier, Philosophy, UKZN, Durban 4041
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