
I     I suggest the work by the physicists I have mentioned, and also Scott 
Muller’s book on information. Shannon was brilliant in communication theory, 
but communication theory is not information theory. You can find the idea of 
distinctions making a difference in writings of Arabic philosophers like ibn 
Arabi and later in Leibniz, who Arabi indirectly influenced. The applications 
of the ideas by more recent physicists are designed to explain and predict 
things like the activity at the boundaries of black holes (information cannot 
disappear is a basic tenet of the problem they are investigating – obviously 
this is not Shannon information, which certainly can disappear). Seth Lloyd 
goes a step further and hypothesizes the world is a quantum computer. 
Information, of course, is a distinction that makes a difference. Shannon’s 
work is an application of the basic idea of information. But it is a relatively 
restricted (nongeneric) application, though within the restrictions there are a 
lot of cases.

       Mathematically Shannon's formalism has been shown to be equivalent to 
algorithmic information theory and some other formats that don’t presuppose 
either probability or combinatorics (Chaitin, Kolmogorov, Ingarden). But of 
course common mathematical models don’t imply sameness of kind in the real 
world. So it is possible to use the combinatoric version of Shannon’s approach 
and apply it (via group theory) to intrinsic information (Muller) and to the 
information flows at the boundaries of black holes (though “boundary” is a bit 
misleading). Lloyd discusses this case in his book Programming the Universe - 
Random House, which is a semi-popular introduction. His PhD thesis was Black 
Holes, Demons and the Loss of Coherence: How complex systems get information, 
and what they do with it.<> 
(Ph.D. thesis). The Rockefeller 

I        In any case, as you say, this has little to do with biological 
information or biosemiotics, which does involve things like coding (transfer 
RNA encodes information in DNA, for example, which eventually decoded in 
ribosomes to make proteins, though the code is certainly not 1-1). I gave an 
account of biological information flow that does not invoke Shannon, but does 
deal with semantic aspects (I have previously recommended the work on 
distributed information flow this is based on to Sung). In fact one of the more 
slippery problems for the people who work on information flow (mostly at 
Stanford) is how to incorporate Shannon information. Intuitively it seems 
obvious, but it is mathematically tricky. Conceptually tricky is how to 
integrate information flow through a channel with biosemiotics. A group of us 
have one paper that addresses the issue, with some examples. It can be found on 
my web page if anyone is interested (published in Biosemiotics). I think a lot 
more work is required.


From: [] On Behalf Of 
Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Sent: April 1, 2015 3:50 PM
To: John Collier;;
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] RE: [biosemiotics:8162] Re: Article on origina of the 

I remain unclear on what you are referring to with respect to the empirical 
results. I have long been involved with information theory. Where is my error, 
exactly? How do physicists, as you appear to claim, speak about information in 
a way that is not consistent with Shannon?


On Wed, Apr 1, 2015 at 11:43 AM, John Collier 
<<>> wrote:

I am not just asserting it, I am pointing to research traditions with empirical 
results. The researchers involved are not idealists in any sense I can see. You 
are stubbornly holding on to your idea of information and it is blinding you to 
how the idea has been used by physicists for several decades now.

I don’t expect you to follow the work, but I take exception to you dissing it 
when you clearly do not understand its basis, as evidenced by your attributing 
incorrect attributes to it.


[<>] On Behalf Of 
Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Sent: March 30, 2015 7:55 PM
To: John Collier
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] RE: [biosemiotics:8162] Re: Article on origina of the 

If there is anything that I have learned at all, ever and anywhere, it is that 
because people think for a long time that it is so, it does not make it so.

This is why humanity invented the scientific method and it is the entire reason 
for Epistemology as a discipline ... to keep us honest. You may persuade 
yourself of anything at all in its absence.

The basis of this method is Empiricism, the actual measurement of motion. If 
this is what the discussion reduces to then I am happy and I do not care what 
you call it as long as we understand that there is a distinction, a necessary 
distinction, between the conception of measure, the idea, and the world. 
Because, for example, measure is discrete, it does not follow that the subject 
of the measure is, in fact, discrete.

The power of assertion must stand aside.

I understand the power of "information" as an IDEA, just as I understand the 
power of the notion of "communication" as an IDEA, but neither can have 
existential status unless you are a strict idealist and assert that ideas exist.

>From my point of view, Ideas must become the subject of Empirical measure - we 
>must, as we have done for gravitation and electromagnetism, measure the 
>motions produced by ideas. Given that ideas are necessarily measurable in this 
>way, they cannot be first anywhere - denying strict Idealism as the basis of 
>the world.

Asserting it is otherwise makes no sense.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 2:30 PM, John Collier 
<<>> wrote:
“It from bit.” Information as the ground of “stuff”.

Well I guess you have to have a modicum of understanding of the physics (my 
original field). To understand what is meant by the slogan it helps to study 
the writings on the topic of Wheeler, Gell-Mann and Seth Lloyd, and the 
literature on Hawking radiation helps (I’d stay away from Paul Davies’ work, 
which is too idealistic for my taste and probably yours). I have been thinking 
of information as “stuff” since I was an undergraduate, and I have also talked 
with a number of these people or their students, and was able to match the idea 
up with my understanding of physics. I suppose these interactions were 
important to my understanding in the way that Kuhn argues that membership in a 
research group is required to fully understand how a research program can be 
carried forward.

I’ve been asked on occasion what entropy is in job interviews and I have to say 
that you can’t understand it in a few words. You need to work with it, dealing 
with real problems. Some very smart people I know got it wrong in their 
undergraduate physics and physical chemistry course. It is not an easy concept. 
The relationship between entropy and information (as stuff) is at least as 
difficult, but opens the door to understanding information as stuff. BY the 
way, one of my students, Scott Muller, took my ideas of intrinsic information 
and origin of information through symmetry breaking much further than I did in 
his PhD thesis, published as Asymmetry: The Foundation of Information
Scott uses group theory to show that information content is not a relative 
quantity, as Jaynes thought, but is specific to the asymmetries in a structure. 
He gives a number of simple examples, but the argument is fairly abstract. But 
as I was suggesting above, the meat is really in the applications to real cases 
and the capacity to extend them to other cases. Scott’s background is in 
physical chemistry (PhD), philosophy (PhD) and programming (his occupation).

That said, so far the article I initiated this discussion with is a step too 
far for me. But it does illustrate, right or wrong, that time needn’t exist 
prior to the universe, and that there is another, logical, sense of priority. 
If we accept Rosen’s idea of logic mirroring causal connection, then this 
latter is a form of causal priority. The problem I see is not the use of the 
information concept, but the basis of the distinction space and what determines 
it. The paper gives nothing but existence and non-existence, which is pretty 


[<>] On Behalf Of 
Steven Ericsson-Zenith
Sent: March 30, 2015 5:50 PM
To: John Collier
Subject: [biosemiotics:8162] Re: Article on origina of the universe

Here's my problem with this. Simply stating that information is "stuff" is 
insufficient. "It from Bit" is a cute slogan but nowhere (and I mean NOWHERE) 
near good enough.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 1:20 PM, John Collier 
<<>> wrote:
Yeh, the sort of information talked about in the article is “stuff”. It from 


From: Edwina Taborsky [<>]
Sent: March 30, 2015 5:18 PM
To: Biosemiotics;<>
Subject: [biosemiotics:8156] Re: Article on origina of the universe

Steven - I'd agree that information is, as it exists, an action. In my view, 
matter only exists as 'organized' and thus is in a differentiated form, which 
is to say, it is 'in-formation'. BUT this organization operates within 
networked interactions; in other words - there is no such thing as, for 
example, an isolate 'bit' of matter unconnected to other matter. Everything is 
interactive, is networked, is in that sense, 'in action' and in interaction. 
So, I would say that this is an 'active description of information'. Not a 
passive definition.

i don't think that energy or matter exist per se. They exist only as in-formed, 
as organized into a particular differentiated unit - i.e, as information. As we 
know,  energy exists in our universe only as matter (Einstein)...and I'm 
agreeing that this matter isn't unorganized but is organized into a 
differentiation from other matter.

However, you and I disagree on the meaning of information. You seem to say that 
it is 'ideas'; while I am defining information as organized matter. The 
analytic outline of this organized matter, the conscious sign of this organized 
matter - is an 'idea'. But that is secondary to the basic ontological reality 
that is information..i.e., that organized unit of matter.

I'm not saying that ideas have a physical basis - for they may not. eg, a 
unicorn has no physical basis. I'm not talking about ideas at all. Information 
is not the same as an idea, in my view.


----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Ericsson-Zenith<>
To: Biosemiotics<> ; Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 4:05 PM
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:8151] Re: Article on origina of the 

I think this brief discussion is most instructive and it may highlight the 
source of much discontent over the years in the community discussing the 
Perigean works.

Pierce put ideas first. So if we take this position then I begin to understand 
Edwina's position as Ideal. And in this sense she may be correct - all though I 
have some dispute with her passive definition of information. In Shannon's 
terms, information is an act.

However, as I pointed out in the recent discussion on Peirce's definition of 
evolution, no Peirce family member ever dismissed the ontological world, and 
their long term goal was to build the bridge between pure mathematics, rigorous 
and impartial ideas, and the physical sciences, the world in which these ideas 

As Einstein points out, there is no difference between energy and matter - but 
again, I am puzzled by Edwina's description. However, the hierarchy she 
describes does make some sense. Energy exists as matter (Einstein) and matter 
"exists" (and can be spoken of) as information. So energy appears fundamental 
in her model. I would not disagree with that had it not been for ...

... her confusing assertion that "not energy, nor matter." By asserting that 
neither matter nor energy exist, the measurable subjects of our experience, and 
that only ideas (information) exists, the world is vacuous. There is not basis 
but ideas.

Ideas manifestly have a physical basis and to state otherwise, in my mind, is 
denial. It the inverse argument of those that argue that our feeling of ideas 
(often called "consciousness") is an illusion. Also, nonsense.

Edwina may be happy with such assertions, but it does not satisfy me.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 12:29 PM, Edwina Taborsky 
<<>> wrote:
Stan- no, matter does not exist before/prior to information. 
Matter=information. Since, to be existent as matter, it must be organized. This 
means, that it is information.

Information is fundamental. Not matter or energy - for they do not exist 'per 
se'. Energy exists as matter and matter exists as information.

----- Original Message -----
From: Stanley N Salthe<>
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 2:59 PM
Subject: [biosemiotics:8150] Re: Article on origina of the universe

Edwina -- Your

information is 'matter-that-is-organized'

suggests that matter exists before, or is prior to, information.  Is that right?


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 1:40 PM, Edwina Taborsky 
<<>> wrote:
Ah, so, to you, 'information is a way of speaking about something'.  To me, 
information is 'matter-that-is-organized' such that it is differentiated from 
other matter. This matter exists because it is in-form-ed, i.e., organized 
within a particular form. Therefore, I agree with the outline provided by John 

To me, information has nothing to do with the secondary level of speaking about 
something. And of course, no requirement therefore for 'adding to knowledge' 
and 'identifying cause'. Those are secondary levels.

----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Ericsson-Zenith<>
To: Edwina Taborsky<>
Cc: Steven Ericsson-Zenith<> ; 
Biosemiotics<> ; Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:8138] Article on origina of the 
universe relevant to some recent discussions on these lists

Information is a way of speaking about that which adds to knowledge and 
identifies cause.

Where I use the term "knowledge" in the general Liberal Physicalist sense to 
refer to that which determines subsequent action.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 10:28 AM, Edwina Taborsky 
<<>> wrote:
Steven - are you saying that information 'is nothing'?

----- Original Message -----
From: Steven Ericsson-Zenith<>
To: Biosemiotics<>
Cc: Peirce Discussion Forum 
Sent: Monday, March 30, 2015 1:22 PM
Subject: [PEIRCE-L] Re: [biosemiotics:8138] Article on origina of the universe 
relevant to some recent discussions on these lists

Stunningly comical. Energy from information ... an unplausible mathematical 
description of something from nothing. It goes to show what you get from an 
ungrounded purely mathematical education.


On Mon, Mar 30, 2015 at 9:47 AM, John Collier 
<<>> wrote:
Dear lists,

The following article is relevant to issues of “What came before the Big 
Bang?”, the evolution of laws in the universe and some others. It cites, among 
others, David Layzer and myself, and generally follows the approaches that we 
have argued for. It also brings together other related material from other 
sources related to symmetry breaking (information formation, and, if on a 
cosmic scale, law formation). In particular it invokes the “no boundary 
conditions” requirement for a satisfactory cosmological theory (favoured by 
Hawking, Smolin, Layzer and many other cosmologists). The authors give this 
condition as that the universe originated in a singularity that is not 
knowable, since it contains no information. Information, here, is of course the 
physicists’ notion of “it from bit”, used in cosmology, the study of black 
holes and in some branches of Quantum Theory (quantum computation and quantum 
field theory in particular), according to which energy and matter are 
incidental, and information (distinctness) is fundamental.

The paper is Spontaneous Creation of the Universe Ex Nihilo
Maya Lincoln
Electronic Address:<>
Affiliation: University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel
Avi Wasser
Electronic Address:<>
Affiliation: University of Haifa, Haifa 31905, Israel

It can be found online with a good search engine.

The paper is a sketch of the theory rather than a theory (as they say “a first 
step”). I don’t think it differs all that much from David Layzer’s views, 
judging by my discussions with him about twenty years ago. But perhaps it is 
more boldly stated. I am not satisfied that it really resolves the issue of why 
there is something rather than nothing, but if it does, it makes the existence 
of the Universe necessary rather than contingent.


John Collier, Philosophy, UKZN, Durban 4041


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