Dear All:

Thanks to all of you for responding to my email introduction.

It seems that most responses are being emailed to me directly, and that
therefore this discussion is not appearing in the discussion forum for
others to read. Am I correct in this? Further, I have been replying to
different emails simply by clicking reply, but I think that this means that
others see neither the original email to me nor the reply.

If so, I was hoping to get a discussion of the application of adductive
logic in real life situations, and to receive some feedback from others in
the forum who may not be initially interested in thee subject, but might be
pulled into it as a result of the discussion.

I truly would like to know how Peirce-ians evaluate my handling of this
logic in the book
For this purpose, does anyone know how to create a thread within the forum
to that everyone else in the forum can see the discussion?


*Ben Novak <>*
5129 Taylor Drive, Ave Maria, FL 34142
Magic Jack: (717) 826-5224 *Best to call and leave messages.*
Landline: 239-455-4200 *My brother's main phone line.*
Mobile (202) 509-2655* I use this only on trips--and in any event
messages arrive days late.*
Skype: BenNovak2

*"All art is mortal, **not merely the individual artifacts, but the arts
themselves.* *One day the last portrait of Rembrandt* *and the last bar of
Mozart will have ceased to be — **though possibly a colored canvas and a
sheet of notes may remain — **because the last eye and the last ear
accessible to their message **will have gone." *Oswald Spengler

On Wed, Jul 8, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Helmut Raulien <> wrote:

> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 07. Juli 2015 um 23:05 Uhr
> *Von:* "Helmut Raulien" <>
> *An:*
> *Cc:* "Edwina Taborsky" <>, "Peirce List" <
> *Betreff:* Aw: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Recently published: Hitler and Abductive
> Logic
> I think, abduction in itself is not a bad thing: It is the "brainstorm"
> that shows several possibilities of further inquiry (or possibilities of
> shaping a political opinion). Critical, I think, is, what follows after the
> abduction: Is it induction and deduction/scientific method, with a
> democratic discourse, or is it myths implemented by authority. Fascism, I
> think, is based on myths, among other things. Instincts, I think, are not
> bad things either: Fascism, I think, is rather a product of not-fulfilled
> instinctive wishes and needs (rigid education in former Germany,
> anti-womanism and anti-fun in rigid islamic countries), than of instincts
> as such. Deprivation of instincts is a powerful manipulating tool: First
> they denie you what you instinctively need and want, and define your
> instincts as weakness, then they offer you for replacement a reich, a
> führer, a paradise after your shaheed-performance, or something like that.
> Best,
> Helmut
> Supplement: But I dont want to deny that there are instincts or intuitions
> too, that may lead to fascism, like the tribalist instinct Edwina has
> mentioned. This topic is very ample, and leads to the question, whether
> there is a true self and a false self (with true and false intuitions), as
> some psychiatrists have claimed, and like buddhism claims, and, regarding
> the apriori-method, whether the apriori is culturally related, or is
> determined by reason and the laws of logic, as Kant has claimed. Again,
> this would lead away from Peirce, towards biosemiotic ("what are
> instincts?"), to transcendental philosophy, and to psychology.
>  "Stephen C. Rose" <> wrote:
>  This is interesting in itself. It could stand alone as something to
> discuss. There are many angles. There is the intriguing idea that something
> economic creates thuggery (I am condensing) and the assumption that the
> emotions behind evil actions are stronger than those what might tend toward
> reason, sweetness and light. I do not have any fixed opinion. What I like
> the idea of fixing is how to deal with minnows in a forum such as this.
> They slither about and we need to find a way to catch them and let them
> grow into conversations which have the benefit of not merely noting
> interesting things but allowing them to mature into conclusions that no one
> had before the conversation began.
>    Books Art:
> Gifts:
> On Tue, Jul 7, 2015 at 11:07 AM, Edwina Taborsky <>
> wrote:
>>  It is a fascinating topic but is it really as mysterious as Ben Novak
>> claims? After all, the idea of fascism, an ideology that assumes a previous
>> lost purity and perfection of life within a societal order, ...and declares
>> that IF this purity-of-behaviour/belief can be reinserted into the society,
>> THEN, perfection of life will ensue...well, fascism is hardly new. And the
>> current Islamic fascism and ISIS in the Middle East and Africa is our
>> modern example of the Third Reich.
>> I'd say that such an ideology emerges in a population that has moved
>> beyond the carrying capacity of its economic mode; the resultant imbalance
>> and the inability of the govt to remedy this, results in an alienation of
>> people from reality and a movement into irrationalism and emotion. These
>> emotions are primal, far more basic than reason and science; so, thugs and
>> violence will never disappear.
>> So - the belief emerges, within the Peircean abductive 'a priori' (this
>> fascist way of life will work!)..and rather than moving on to that
>> ideology being evaluated by the scientific method, it is stopped in its
>> tracks. The ideology is then reinforced by Authority and Tenacity. ...and
>> the people are lost in terrible violence.
>> What we also may not realize is that tribalism, the idea of 'Us' versus'
>> Them is basic to the human species, since our knowledge base is not innate
>> but is learned socially. So, this social group that holds our knowledge is
>> vital. Its power over us, as an individual, is important. This group is
>> 'the tribe'; we must trust the veracity of their knowledge...and we don't
>> trust other tribes.  So, knowledge/beliefs are held by virtue of Peirce's
>> false methods far more often than they are held by the non-tribal method of
>> science.
>> Edwina
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> *From:* Jerry LR Chandler
>> *To:* PEIRCE-L
>> *Cc:* Ben Novak
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, July 07, 2015 10:20 AM
>> *Subject:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] Recently published: Hitler and Abductive Logic
>> Ben:
>> Fascinating topic... will attempt to download thesis.
>> from the post by Stephen Jarosek:
>> “Unlike the other forms of logic, abduction is based on instinct and has
>> a power over emotions.”
>> Is this your statement?
>> Is this your belief?
>> In your view, what are the linguistic / rhetorical constraints on this
>> form of logic?
>> In other words, what binds this view of abduction to other forms of logic?
>> Cheers
>> Jerry
>> On Jul 5, 2015, at 9:35 PM, Ben Novak wrote:
>> Dear Stephen:
>> I agree that the price is outrageously high. Unfortunately, the publisher
>> sets the price, and I have no control over that.   It is my hope that soon
>> the price may come down.....but, again, I cannot fathom the logic of the
>> publisher.
>> In the meantime, the book is available either in your library, or through
>> interlibrary loan.(You may also request your university library or local
>> public library to obtain a copy) You may also check the worldcat to find a
>> library that has it near you.
>> If for any reason there is a shortage of copies of the book through
>> interlibrary loan, you may also request a copy of the text of my original
>> dissertation, which is entitled *The Third Logic: Adolf Hitler and
>> Abductive Logic,* Doctoral Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State
>> University, 1999. Be advised that this version has a host of clerical
>> errors, and is missing the final chapter, which I added to the book version
>> for publication by Lexington.
>> Additionally, I have been advised by someone that a copy of the
>> dissertation is also available somewhere on the internet where
>> dissertations are digitally archived, though I have been unable to locate
>> where exactly this is.
>> Finally, I will be glad to send a review copy to anyone who will commit
>> to writing a publishable review of the book for *Transactions* or some
>> other publication.
>> Thanks for your interest.
>> Ben Novak
>> *Ben Novak <>*
>> 5129 Taylor Drive, Ave Maria, FL 34142
>> Telephones:
>>  Magic Jack: (717) 826-5224 *Best to call and leave messages.*
>> Landline: 239-455-4200 *My brother's main phone line.*
>> Mobile (202) 509-2655* I use this only on trips--and in any event
>> messages arrive days late.*
>>  Skype: BenNovak2
>> *"All art is mortal, **not merely the individual artifacts, but the arts
>> themselves.* *One day the last portrait of Rembrandt* *and the last bar
>> of Mozart will have ceased to be — **though possibly a colored canvas
>> and a sheet of notes may remain — **because the last eye and the last
>> ear accessible to their message **will have gone." *Oswald Spengler
>> On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 8:48 PM, Stephen C. Rose <>
>> wrote:
>>> A less expensive edition might encourage more to buy it. Especially if
>>> they have no budget for such purchases. I am sure such a discussion would
>>> be of interest.
>>>    Books Art:
>>> Gifts:
>>>  On Sun, Jul 5, 2015 at 8:27 PM, Ben Novak <> wrote:
>>>>  Dear Peirce-L members:
>>>> Please allow me to join Tom Wyrick in accepting the invitation to
>>>> introduce ourselves.
>>>> I am rejoining this List for the third time. I first joined in
>>>> approximately 1999 when I discovered Charles Sanders Peirce as I was
>>>> writing my Ph.D. dissertation. Peirce's theory of abduction then became a
>>>> major part of it.  I completed the dissertation and received my Ph.D. from
>>>> Penn State University in 1999, at the ripe old age of fifty-six. At that
>>>> time I was a practicing attorney in State College, PA.  I think I recall
>>>> Jon Awbrey as an active discussant even way back them...
>>>> Subsequently, I moved to Europe where I taught at various universities
>>>> in Slovakia, Austria, and Bulgaria.; In about 2006, I rejoined the List and
>>>> engaged in some very interesting email discussions with, Sami Paavola,
>>>> among others
>>>> I am happy to say that in 2014 Lexington Books saw fit to publish my
>>>> work under the title, *Hitler and Abductive Logic: The Strategy of a
>>>> Tyrant*. You may find it on Amazon here:
>>>> The relevance of this work to Peirce-L list members should be obvious
>>>> from its title: *Hitler and Abductive Logic*. The editorial reviews
>>>> bring out the Peirce connection even more:
>>>>   Hitler and Abductive Logic: The Strategy of a Tyrant is
>>>> thought-provoking and extremely creative, exploring aspects and influences
>>>> of Hitler’s formative years that other biographers and historians have not
>>>> examined to the same degree of detail. The application of the logic of
>>>> abduction to Hitler’s mental development is fascinating, and clearly no
>>>> other author has tried to apply Peirce’s description to Hitler in such a
>>>> way.
>>>> (Beth A. Griech-Polelle, Bowling Green State University)
>>>> The amount of literature on Adolf Hitler is astounding. And yet, as Ben
>>>> Novak demonstrates, historians still have not fully explained how this
>>>> ill-educated and irrational provincial Austrian actually rose to power in
>>>> Germany. This work uses the concept of abductive logic both as a means of
>>>> investigating the mystery of Hitler's rise to power and as a way to
>>>> understand the mind and character of Hitler. Novak's book, written in an
>>>> engaging narrative style, offers a compelling argument for a new approach
>>>> to the mystery of Hitler's rise to power. (Jackson Spielvogel,
>>>> Pennsylvania State University)
>>>> In light of some of the recent discussions on applying Peirce's
>>>> concepts to issues outside of formal academic discussions of logic, many of
>>>> the current members of the List may find this work of compelling interest
>>>> in expanding the discussion to wider examples of applications of Peirce's
>>>> logic.
>>>> I would be very interested in the reviews of Peirce specialists on the
>>>> manner in which I apply Peirce's concepts to this subject. Of course, I
>>>> realize how grotesque, sensitive (and toxic) the subject of Hitler is.
>>>> However, if Sherlock Holmes and August Dupin are correct that
>>>> 'The more *outre'* and grotesque an incident is the more carefully it
>>>> deserves to be examined... (Holmes),
>>>> 'It appears to me that this mystery is considered insoluble, for the
>>>> very reason which should cause it to be regarded as easy of solution - I
>>>> mean for the *outre'* character of its features... (Dupin)
>>>> ...then the rise of Hitler especially invites the application of their
>>>> methods, which consist of brilliant applications Peirce's adductive
>>>> logic---as Umberto Eco and Thomas Sebeok make abundantly clear in *The
>>>> Sign of Three: Dupin, Holmes, Peirce *(which is a work that also plays
>>>> a significant role in my book). See:
>>>> In any event, I will be very happy to discuss this subject and the
>>>> application of adductive logic with any members of the List who are
>>>> interested.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> Ben Novak
>>>> *Ben Novak <>*
>>>> 5129 Taylor Drive, Ave Maria, FL 34142
>>>> Telephones:
>>>>  Magic Jack: (717) 826-5224 *Best to call and leave messages.*
>>>> Landline: 239-455-4200 *My brother's main phone line.*
>>>> Mobile (202) 509-2655* I use this only on trips--and in any event
>>>> messages arrive days late.*
>>>>  Skype: BenNovak2
>>>> *"All art is mortal, **not merely the individual artifacts, but the
>>>> arts themselves.* *One day the last portrait of Rembrandt* *and the
>>>> last bar of Mozart will have ceased to be — **though possibly a
>>>> colored canvas and a sheet of notes may remain — **because the last
>>>> eye and the last ear accessible to their message **will have gone." *Oswald
>>>> Spengler
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