EDWINA: ”...Are you trying to say that Peirce's view of the origin of life and 
its evolution/adaptation was pure Darwinism?“

SJ: Not at all, nothing of the sort. I am, however, suggesting that Peirce, in 
synthesis with von Uexküll, might be the closest we’ve come to an Isaac Newton 
for the life sciences.  I don’t have your breadth of knowledge on Peirce, so I 
am in no position to comment on the other nuances that you refer to. sj


From: Edwina Taborsky [mailto:tabor...@primus.ca] 
Sent: Tuesday, 21 July 2015 2:50 PM
To: Stephen Jarosek; 'Ozzie'
Cc: 'Stephen C. Rose'; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu; biosemiot...@lists.ut.ee
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


Stephen - I'm not sure of the point of your post. Are you trying to say that 
Peirce's view of the origin of life and its evolution/adaptation was pure 
Darwinism? If so, this is incorrect. His analysis of The Origin of Species 
"merely extends politico-economical views of progress to the entire realm of 
animal and vegetable life" (6.293). Peirce analyzed three modes of evolution, 
the 'evolution by chance'  or 'fortuitous variation' (6.296) of Darwin  - and 
he acknowledged that chance, as a mode of Firstness (freedom) was existent - 
and then, 'those theories which attribute all progress to an inward necessary 
principle, or other form of necessity" (6.298). This was 'mechanical necessity' 
as the chief factor of evolution (6.298). Then, there was Lamarck's which is 
'evolution by the force of habit' (6.300). 


Then, he says, "Three modes of evolution have thus been brought before us: 
evolution by fortuitous variation, evolution by mechanical necessity, and 
evolution by creative love. We may term them tychastic evolution or tychasm, 
anancastic evolution or anacams, and agapastic evolution or agapasm". 6.302. 


And he considers 'tychasm and anancasm' as 'degenerate forms of agapasm'. 


Obviously, we can see that each mode represents one of the three categories: 
Firstness, Secondness and Thirdness. 

All three modes therefore play a role in evolution and adaptation. And this 
means that life is neither fully accidental (Firstness) or fully inevitable 
(Secondness) but is a process of Mind extending itself within forming 
habits-of-association (Thirdness. ). As to why life exists, there can be no 
answer; my individual opinion is that abiotic morphologies developed to prevent 
the dissipation of matter, and that biotic morphologies then developed as more 
complex measures to fufill the same role. 





----- Original Message ----- 

From: Stephen Jarosek <mailto:sjaro...@iinet.net.au>  

To: 'Edwina Taborsky' <mailto:tabor...@primus.ca>  ; 'Ozzie' 

Cc: 'Stephen C. Rose' <mailto:stever...@gmail.com>  ; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu ; 

Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 10:44 PM

Subject: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


Edwina, we are going off at tangents here, and I want bring our focus back to 
the axiomatic approach that inspires my own thinking. Isaac Newton’s laws of 
motion provides some semblance of what I am getting at – you know, generality, 
inevitability, simplicity. What are the assumptions that we should be making? 
Peirce’s triadic scheme is perfect for such a paradigm, but because Peirce did 
not have access to the sort of information that we now do, he was never in a 
position to liberate his thinking from its anthropocentric constraints. The 
arrival of biosemiotics changes all that... we are now in a position to extend 
Peircean semiotics more generally to any organism that lives... including 
single-celled organisms, like neurons.

So, back to that question... what are the assumptions that we should be making? 
Is life accidental, or is it inevitable? If it is accidental (Darwinism, 
strong/weak anthropic principle), then can “accidental” life persist and expand 
across time? I say... and that is a guess on my part (an axiomatic framework 
can only ever be a best guess)... no, it can’t. The fact that life persists and 
expands across time is the end-game to THAT conversation. If it is inevitable, 
then why? If it is inevitable, what are the principles that can make it so? 
That’s where “knowing how to be” comes into the picture.



From: Edwina Taborsky [mailto:tabor...@primus.ca] 
Sent: Monday, 20 July 2015 8:33 PM
To: Stephen Jarosek; 'Ozzie'
Cc: 'Stephen C. Rose'; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu; biosemiot...@lists.ut.ee
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


1) Stephen - Howard Bloom's analysis of the knowledge function within groups, 
and his focus on the social group as the agential system -  is a completely 
different issue than the analysis of Sign production and storage in the human 


Bloom does not, to my knowledge deal with this aspect; his focus is 
psychological - and on the nature of the individual within the domination of 
the group. [Minor irrelevant point - i don't agree with his rejection of 
individual freedom, for this rejections the imaginative capacity of the human 
brain, and thus, rejects our species' capacity for technological innovation - 
which attribute is completely lacking in the no-growth collectivist tribal 
societies of eg, socialism, communism and fascism. Without this imagination and 
thus, the capacity for growth and diversity -  well, the dissipation of those 
societies is inevitable!]


Distributed memory is a basic component of Peircean semiosis; i.e., it is the 
reality of universals or Thirdness. 


2) Designing a 'brain from scratch' is mechanical reductionism. You can't do 
that with a CAS (complex adaptive system)...which is the brain. 


The brain as computer model is not a reference to the computer's mechanical 
nature, nor to the external Agential Designer, but a reference to the ability 
to transform one form of data to another form - a semiosic action by the way.


I agree, a city is a CAS, a complex adaptive system, and does indeed arise 
'naturally'; i.e., without an external agential designer (let's leave out Las 
Vegas and St. Petersburg)...and cities - as well as economic systems - have 
been extensively studied as such complex 'living' networks. 


3. Do neurons 'arise in nature'? I'm not sure what you mean by this. 





----- Original Message ----- 

From: Stephen Jarosek <mailto:sjaro...@iinet.net.au>  

To: 'Edwina Taborsky' <mailto:tabor...@primus.ca>  ; 'Ozzie' 

Cc: 'Stephen C. Rose' <mailto:stever...@gmail.com>  ; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu ; 

Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 12:28 PM

Subject: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


EDWINA: “I don't see anything wrong with the computer or semiosic model of the 
brain. I certainly don't accept your colony-of-neurons.  And I don't see how 
you've come up with the answer of obtaining and storing knowledge!””

SJ: There is little that is new about the interpretation that I provide. This 
gist of it is just standard systems/complexity theory 
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systems_theory> , of which there are many 
variants, from Ken Wilber to Howard Bloom. The idea of distributed memory 
(obtaining and storing knowledge), along the lines that I’ve described, is also 
not new.

EDWINA: “You are asking how does the brain function as mind, converting 
physical stimuli to images/concepts/thoughts. The answer is - we don't totally 
know. Yet.  But we know a lot. You seem to deny this.” 

SJ: “You seem to deny this.” Ahem... understatement of the year! Until someone 
designs a brain from scratch, to account for all the synapses, how they work, 
how they arise in nature without a designer (computers need engineers to design 
them), the chemistry behind it etc, etc, they are indeed going to have a hard 
time persuading me that the brain-as-computer model is the way to go. In 
contrast to computers, “cities” do arise in nature all the time without the 
need for a designer... all kinds of cities, from termites and bees to ants and 
humans... and of course, the neurons that constitute our brains.



From: Edwina Taborsky [mailto:tabor...@primus.ca] 
Sent: Monday, 20 July 2015 5:07 PM
To: Stephen Jarosek; 'Ozzie'
Cc: 'Stephen C. Rose'; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu; biosemiot...@lists.ut.ee
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


1) I don't accept the comparison between a biological system which must store 
common knowledge and a colony of people which must store common knowledge. You 
are leaving out the site(s) for this storage! To say merely that it is 
'distributed' ignores that such knowledge must still be distributed somewhere. 


So, how does the embryonic individual brain, made up of those 'people' (colony 
of neurons) obtain its store of information???? 


In the social milieu, the city/colony - knowledge is stored in the communal 
language (Signs) as bound within the ideology, myths, tales, stories of that 
population.  These stories (Signs) are passed down through the generations. But 
where are these Signs/ stories, myths, tales - in the individual human 
brain-as-a-colony?  Are there competing stories in the neuron-colony, as there 
are in the human-colony?


2) Ah- now I get it. You are asking how does the brain function as mind, 
converting physical stimuli to images/concepts/thoughts. The answer is - we 
don't totally know. Yet.  But we know a lot. You seem to deny this.


We are aware of neurons and that they develop dendrites/networks; . We know the 
results of damage to the neuronic and dendrite/synaptic capacity - such as 
within concussions, strokes, epilepsy, etc; we know key areas of the brain that 
function to operate certain attributes (language, memory, etc). But we do 
acknowledge that the brain DOES function as mind - and acknowledge that the 
physical stimuli (Object) converts to an image, a semiosic Interpretant.  This 
transformation would require mediation, i.e., the Representamen. Now - how much 
is innate and how much of the mediative process also must be learned and 
stored? Researchers are still arguing over this. 


I don't see anything wrong with the computer or semiosic model of the brain. I 
certainly don't accept your colony-of-neurons.  And I don't see how you've come 
up with the answer of obtaining and storing knowledge!







----- Original Message ----- 

From: Stephen Jarosek <mailto:sjaro...@iinet.net.au>  

To: 'Edwina Taborsky' <mailto:tabor...@primus.ca>  ; 'Ozzie' 

Cc: 'Stephen C. Rose' <mailto:stever...@gmail.com>  ; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu ; 

Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 10:36 AM

Subject: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


There are two conflicting metaphors concerning the questions you raise. You 
seem to have a preference for the info-tech (computer) metaphor. The second 
metaphor, that of my preference, is that of the brain as a colony of neurons 
being analogous to a city as a colony of people. Where is the “memory” of the 
city stored? It’s stored in the habits and activities of all the people that 
comprise it. In this way, the city retains its memory of historical events, 
technology, etc, for example. There is no single place in the city that serves 
as a repository for memory, the city’s memory is distributed throughout the 
city. Just as it is in the brian.

As for what you might be missing with respect to the computer. My question is 
straightforward... please point to the computer. What is it that is processing 
the genetic info/data, to convert sensory inputs, say, into thoughts? Where’s 
the computers CPU? What technology is it all drawing on?



From: Edwina Taborsky [mailto:tabor...@primus.ca] 
Sent: Monday, 20 July 2015 4:18 PM
To: Stephen Jarosek; 'Ozzie'
Cc: 'Stephen C. Rose'; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu; biosemiot...@lists.ut.ee
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


Stephen, yes, we are reducing our basis for dialogue to almost nothing!


1) We do not know exactly how the genome works; we are aware of 'junk DNA' 
(introns) and have been for some time; I've referenced intron research at least 
a decade ago. The point is, we acknowledge that the species must have some 
method of storing knowledge (of form and behaviour) to reproduce the species as 
a continuity of type - and it's in the genome. You still haven't explained 
where YOU consider this knowledge base is stored.


And I'm still unsure of your point about the computer. I'm missing something!


2) And as you are aware, your 'mind/body/umwelt' isn't an answer to my question 
of who/what defines 'what matters' to an organism and a species.



----- Original Message ----- 

From: Stephen Jarosek <mailto:sjaro...@iinet.net.au>  

To: 'Edwina Taborsky' <mailto:tabor...@primus.ca>  ; 'Ozzie' 

Cc: 'Stephen C. Rose' <mailto:stever...@gmail.com>  ; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu ; 

Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 10:06 AM

Subject: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


Edwina, on most of the points you raise, I can see where we are going to be 
going around in circles. So I’ll just respond to those couple of points where 
we might stand a better chance of coming to some kind of closure:

EDWINA: “I was under the impression that research is quite knowledgeable about 
how DNA works“

SJ: How could you say that? They are constantly revising what they previously 
assumed. For example, the latest, I believe, is that “junk” DNA is supposed to 
be important in some new way that they had never anticipated. And then there is 
the problem that I raised in my previous post, regarding the missing computer. 
That is, if people are going to go along with the info-tech narrative that 
describes genes and DNA in the context of information, then I’d like to see the 
computer that processes said information. Where is it? If people are going to 
run with a particular metaphor, like the computing/info-tech narrative, then 
they really should cover all aspects of it.

EDWINA: “Sorry - but this statement, to me, is circular. Who defines 'what 
matters' and what does 'what matters' functionally mean?”

SJ: The “who” that defines what matters is the mind-body that must make choices 
from its Umwelt. [hmmm... i can see that this is not going to get us anywhere 
J] Mind-bodies define their own priorities, they need neither human nor godly 
intervention to define what matters to them.




From: Edwina Taborsky [mailto:tabor...@primus.ca] 
Sent: Monday, 20 July 2015 3:35 PM
To: Stephen Jarosek; 'Ozzie'
Cc: 'Stephen C. Rose'; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu; biosemiot...@lists.ut.ee
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


Stephen- I continue with problems with your analysis.


1) SJ: However, the idea of instincts being purposeful/efficient is problematic 
because it implies the sort of bottom-up complexity that requires a creator. It 
is inconsistent with thermodynamic principles and the entropy that must 
invariably render persistent complexity impossible.


Edwina: I don't see how knowledge, which is the formation of habits of both 
form and behaviour - a practice long supported by Peirce in his analysis of the 
three categories - is inconsistent with thermodynamic principles and 
complexity. After all, the very notion of habit formation is to prevent 
entropic dissipation of matter by establishing stable and continuous forms of 
that matter - again, continuity is a vital Peircean principle. Complexity 
theory both supports this notion of habit formation, continuity of type AND the 
notion of continuous diversity of type - all to prevent entropic dissipation of 


2) SJ: We don’t know how DNA works. My own hunch is in favour of DNA 
entanglement, and that changes everything... all bets are off, all prior 
assumptions null and void. Furthermore, establishing instincts as a category of 
knowing that is fundamentally different to Peirce’s triadic scheme is 
inconsistent with axiomatic thinking.


Edwina: I was under the impression that research is quite knowledgeable about 
how DNA works - and the argument is over how evolution and adaptation function 
- which is a form of entanglement. And I don't see how you can claim that 
instincts are a 'category of knowledge' that is different from Peirce's triadic 
categories. Instincts, as a form of stored knowledge, are a form of Thirdness. 


3) SJ: Biological predispositions predispose us to defining what matters.


Edwina: Sorry - but this statement, to me, is circular. Who defines 'what 
matters' and what does 'what matters' functionally mean?

And what is a 'biological predisposition' other than an instinct?

As for birds learning to fly - they have both the morphological technological 
FORM and the instinctive knowledge to act on this biological technology which 
results in flight. They do not have to learn to operate this technology, as we 
have to learn to drive a car or fly a plane. They have to practice using this 
technology but they certainly do not learn it by social techniques. 


4) Entropy is a basic causal component of complexity and CAS (complex adaptive 
systems). They are driving forces in the  biological realm, where complex 
diversity of type evolves to prevent the final dissipation of matter. 


As for mechanical rather than simply biological complexity, such as that watch 
or computer, those are technological attributes of the human species, which is, 
I maintain, a biological species that lacks the confinement of genetically 
stored knowledge. The human species has to develop and store its knowledge 
within its social means (language). 


This means that it can, as a species, become more technologically complex as 
its population base increases.  These technological attributes (eg,  farming, 
the plough, irrigation, energy sources) enable the human species to support a 
larger population, maintain the health of that population (disease control,  
hygiene, nutrition)...and so on.


But - instincts of our species, such as the capacity for language, the 
curiosity of the brain, the imaginative faculty - are the grounds for such 
technological activities.





----- Original Message ----- 

From: Stephen Jarosek <mailto:sjaro...@iinet.net.au>  

To: 'Ozzie' <mailto:ozzie...@gmail.com>  

Cc: 'Edwina Taborsky' <mailto:tabor...@primus.ca>  ; 'Stephen C. Rose' 
<mailto:stever...@gmail.com>  ; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu ; 

Sent: Monday, July 20, 2015 9:05 AM

Subject: RE: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


TOM: “I believe Peirce argued that "pragmatism" is incorporated into genes 
during evolution.  If so, then instincts are purposeful/efficient without 
intervention by others or instruction on "how to be."”

SJ: I am not a Peirce scholar... my respect for his work was established 
back-the-front, after I formulated my own categories and realized that, thanks 
to him, it had all been done before. So I cannot comment on how he factored 
pragmatism into genetic theory. However, the idea of instincts being 
purposeful/efficient is problematic because it implies the sort of bottom-up 
complexity that requires a creator. It is inconsistent with thermodynamic 
principles and the entropy that must invariably render persistent complexity 

TOM: “Falsifiable?  You have already agreed to the DNA part ("... a body built 
to do these things"), so the next step is to test whether anything ADDITIONAL 
is required for instinctual behavior to be exhibited.”

SJ: We don’t know how DNA works. My own hunch is in favour of DNA entanglement, 
and that changes everything... all bets are off, all prior assumptions null and 
void. Furthermore, establishing instincts as a category of knowing that is 
fundamentally different to Peirce’s triadic scheme is inconsistent with 
axiomatic thinking. Either an axiomatic framework applies or it doesn’t. The 
creation of exceptions to the rule should raise alarm bells... Occam’s razor 

TOM: “If a bird's egg is taken out of the nest and the bird is raised by humans 
without special attention beyond feeding, it does not receive the care, 
training and social contact that other birds receive.  Then when the bird is 
sufficiently mature, if you drop it from a height of (say) 20 feet, it will 

SJ: Huh? Not sure about that: 


In the event that exceptions to this rule exist... biological predispositions 
predisposing critters with wings to fly.

TOM: “Some plants make tiny movements throughout the day to "follow" the sun 
across the sky.  This occurs regardless of a contact with other plants.  Next, 
switch the light source to a stationary bulb, and the same plant will stop 
moving throughout the day.  This occurs regardless of contact with other 
plants.  The effect is the same for all plants of the same species.”

SJ: Biological predispositions predispose us to defining what matters.

TOM: “I interpret such behaviors as evidence that instincts are DNA based, then 
triggered by a stimulus from the environment.  These effects are independent of 
socialization or contact with others of the species, including a parent.”

SJ: There are all sorts of problems with the genocentric paradigm, and it is 
difficult to enumerate them all. Complexity versus entropy... the idea of, say, 
a watch or a computer materializing all by itself in nature, even within an 
infinite universe, has to contend against enormous odds that render its 
unlikelihood an impossibility. By contrast, “knowing how to be” is robust  
because it motivates every agent in a collective to observe its partner agents 
and how they behave. The penalty for misbehaving often impacts adversely on 
survival, and so most member agents learn very quickly to imitate the norms or 
be damned. Fear of the unknown is a very powerful motivator capable of 
resisting the entropic forces of disunity.



From: Ozzie [mailto:ozzie...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Monday, 20 July 2015 1:22 PM
To: Stephen Jarosek
Cc: Edwina Taborsky; Stephen C. Rose; <peirce-l@list.iupui.edu>; 
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


Stephen - 

I believe Peirce argued that "pragmatism" is incorporated into genes during 
evolution.  If so, then instincts are purposeful/efficient without intervention 
by others or instruction on "how to be." 


STEPHEN:  "The idea of instinct as somehow hardwired into the DNA is a red 
herring that is not falsifiable."


Falsifiable?  You have already agreed to the DNA part ("... a body built to do 
these things"), so the next step is to test whether anything ADDITIONAL is 
required for instinctual behavior to be exhibited. 

If a bird's egg is taken out of the nest and the bird is raised by humans 
without special attention beyond feeding, it does not receive the care, 
training and social contact that other birds receive.  Then when the bird is 
sufficiently mature, if you drop it from a height of (say) 20 feet, it will 


Some plants make tiny movements throughout the day to "follow" the sun across 
the sky.  This occurs regardless of a contact with other plants.  Next, switch 
the light source to a stationary bulb, and the same plant will stop moving 
throughout the day.  This occurs regardless of contact with other plants.  The 
effect is the same for all plants of the same species. 


I interpret such behaviors as evidence that instincts are DNA based, then 
triggered by a stimulus from the environment.  These effects are independent of 
socialization or contact with others of the species, including a parent.  



Tom Wyrick 



On Jul 20, 2015, at 4:33 AM, Stephen Jarosek <sjaro...@iinet.net.au> wrote:


Many of us seem to be persisting with the narrative that instincts are 
programmed into the DNA. Edwina, you make reference to a socializing instinct. 
Might it be that this socializing instinct is not an instinct at all, but a 
manifestation of knowing how to be (relates to pragmatism)? Allow me to 
explain. At least as far as higher level organisms are concerned, a newborn 
entering the world is entering a scary unknown. Mothers of all kinds across all 
species pick up on this vulnerability (it never ceases to amaze me the 
affection that mothers of all kinds lavish upon their offspring). The newborn’s 
mother provides a known familiarity with which the youngster assimilates and 
becomes comfortable with. Under the mother’s nurturance and care, the scary 
unknown into which it first enters quickly becomes the familiar known that 
informs how it should be... and that’s why, if you want such a critter as a 
pet, it has to interact with humans from an early age in order to become 

Consider the phenomenon of feral children, like the famous “wild boy of 
Aveyron.” An abandoned infant that is taken into the care of a matriarchal wolf 
has to contend with a scary, alien world that its adoptive mother makes 
comfortable and familiar. This ensures its survival, but the things that come 
to matter to it, as a wolf-child, are going to make it impossible for it to 
assimilate to a human society, should it ever venture there again.

Thus my thesis is that “instincts” (for want of a better word) subscribe fully 
to the principles of pragmatism and the three categories, but that they occur 
at deeper levels. For example, in the narrative of chaos theory, associations 
made before birth and shortly after birth provide the “initial conditions” onto 
which all subsequent associations (experiences) accrue. Also, the organism’s 
physiology provides the predispositions for making choices... a critter with 
hands is predisposed to grasping things, a critter with a tongue and vocal 
chords is predisposed to vocalizing things. Neither the impulse to grasp nor 
the impulse to vocalize is an instinct. The impulse to grasp and the impulse to 
vocalize are just what you do when you have a body built to do these things, 
and you have a bucket of plastic neurons in your skull that organise themselves 
to accommodate the choices you make. The idea of instinct as somehow hardwired 
into the DNA is a red herring that is not falsifiable... to be blunt, it’s 
nonsense and the genocentrists peddling this nonsense need to lift their game. 
ALL thought, whether impulsive or directed, must necessarily subscribe to 
exactly the same Peircean categories and in accordance with the principles of 
pragmatism. Heck, even the mother’s “instinct” to nurture subscribes to the 
same Peircean principles... it’s not an instinct, maybe it’s just what it seems 
to be... an awareness that her little one is vulnerable and helpless. Perhaps 
it tugs at something in her own memory, back when she was a newborn first 
entering a scary unknown.

The bottom line... a socializing “instinct” is just a manifestation of the need 
to know how to be. Infinity is scary, and socialization provides us with the 
fixations of belief to which we can anchor our identities... this applies to 
all organisms, not just humans. There is no such thing as an “instinct” 
hardwired into the genetic code... such a belief allows us to be led down a 
merry garden path that doesn’t take us anywhere. Of course if anyone does 
believe that instincts are coded into the DNA, I’m open to revising my stance 
if they can provide hard, falsifiable evidence to support their claim. The 
existing “instinct” narrative is not properly accounted for, and defaulting to 
it as a given closes our minds to considering other possibilities (like DNA 

Copying to biosemiotics... this unfalsifiable instinct fiction is a serious 
problem that needs to get ironed out.


PS. I continue to be somewhat confused about the different contexts in which 
the word pragmatism is applied. I use it in the context of an organism 
“defining the things that matter.” But Peirce and his pragmatic maxim seem to 
relate to methodology in experimentation and research. Is there an agreed-upon 
terminology that eliminates this ambiguity?


From: Edwina Taborsky [mailto:tabor...@primus.ca] 
Sent: Monday, 20 July 2015 2:56 AM
To: Thomas; Stephen C. Rose
Cc: peirce-l@list.iupui.edu
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


Tom - see my replies below:

----- Original Message ----- 

From: Thomas <mailto:ozzie...@gmail.com>  

To: Stephen C. Rose <mailto:stever...@gmail.com>  

Cc: Edwina Taborsky <mailto:tabor...@primus.ca>  ;  
<mailto:peirce-l@list.iupui.edu%3e> <peirce-l@list.iupui.edu> 

Sent: Sunday, July 19, 2015 8:02 PM

Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


Stephen, Edwina, List ~ 


I agree that instinct leads to physical activity (though sometimes inside the 
body where it can't be seen).  But it is triggered by environmental changes.  
That is the standard definition of instinct.  It is not so much an 
"inclination" as "who you are" in a certain environment.  But you may never 
encounter that environment, so you would never know.  


I do believe we have a socializing instinct, because we were part of someone 
else before birth and closely tended to for several years after birth, often in 
the presence of siblings.  We therefore perceive living with others as the 


EDWINA: We have a socializing instinct, not simply because we were part of 
someone else before birth - and that IS valid, but because our knowledge base 
is almost entirely learned. Therefore, as a species, we MUST be social or we 
are unable to live. That is, without language, without learning 
how-to-get-food; how to build shelter etc...we would not survive as a species. 


So this instance raises the possibility that instincts are gene-based *except 
in one case:  where the mother (i.e., a loving, attentive mother) is involved.  
Then, genes and baby/infant emotions both originate from the same source -- so 
their effects (in the child) are blended and confound analysis.  In that case I 
don't have a firm opinion.  My *guess: we have socialization instincts (genes) 
AND socialization habits learned during infancy AND emotional feelings related 
to other people (community) shaped by the infant experience (with 


EDWINA: The socialization instinct is genetic; the socialization habits are 
learned - because our species alone of all species, has the capacity to change 
its technological attributes by which it interacts with the environment.

Emotion is a basic requirement for developing and using socialized 


Officially, though, instincts are hard-wired into us (DNA), and do not have a 
community trigger -- unless the community alters the environment.  Individuals 
isolated from their communities have the same instincts:  drop a young bird 
from a tree that never met another bird, and it will flap its wings and fly.  



Tom Wyrick 


On Jul 19, 2015, at 3:19 PM, Stephen C. Rose <stever...@gmail.com> wrote:

I wonder what controls instincts which I see as somewhat like inclinations 
which suggest movement and power. I am inclined to think it is the interplay 
within a community though not always in ways that can be understood. I wonder 
of Peirce with his seemingly default inclining toward the community as a sort 
of teleological destiny and his sense of the porousness of the individual 
ultimately felt that instincts have something like consciousness? 

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On Sun, Jul 19, 2015 at 4:05 PM, Ozzie <ozzie...@gmail.com> wrote:

Edwina ~ 

My notes on habit and evolution are more wide-ranging (random?) than your 
comments/questions.  These are my interpretation of the science, but of course 
I can be wrong. 

1- Is instinct a property only of the more complex realms?  That depends on how 
one interprets "instinct."  If we define instinct as behavioral feature shared 
by all members of a "species," then protons and electrons DO have an instinct 
to spend time with each other, when the opportunity presents itself.  The +/- 
attraction characterizes all protons and electrons, and they always exhibit the 
expected behavior in a neutral environment.  I consider that an instinct.  
Other subatomic particles don't (necessarily) possess it.  Some may label this 
a "characteristic" of protons and electron, instead of an instinct, which is 
fine with me -- if it is understood this characteristic describes behavior, not 
physical attributes.


2- Those protons and electrons can change into altered versions of their 
original states if placed in a different environment.  However, I don't 
consider that evolution.  It is a reaction to the environment. The +/- 
characteristics of atomic particles don't change physically or alter their 
behavior without something happening in the neighborhood/environment where they 
reside.  Chemists change their environment, but so do other things (e.g., heat 
in stars, electromagnetic radiation from the earth's core, nearby atoms).  If 
evolution occurred, then we could not reverse the process and break materials 
down into the original atoms. 


3- Evolution modifies living things (over time) to add physical features to 
them that incorporate regular/everyday life activities into the physical body 
of species members.  Then, behavior originally attributed to volition become 
instinctual.  Theoretically, nature "decides" that a one-time investment of 
resources (so to speak) reduces physical and cognitive effort that would 
otherwise be required throughout the lifetimes of the species members.  
Following evolution, the individual can devote effort and cognitive attention 
to more pressing matters that occur less frequently but have greater survival 
value, such as an attack by predators.  


All of this is captured by your statement that evolution "is a basic form of 
knowledge."  I agree.  I see it as nature's knowledge embodied into a living 


4- When evolution provides "instincts" that are efficient substitutes for 
cognitive activity, an external observer may perceive cognition when none 
actually occurs.  (Observers may not be able to see something, and abduct some 
phenomenon that doesn't exist.)


5- Creatures do not simply evolve the "ability to think" or "ability to move" 
in some generic way, but evolved the ability to process information and move in 
a manner that supports efficient outcomes.  Thus human brains are created as 
logical organs, with abduction/induction/deduction shaping (being reflected in) 
the physical structure of the mechanism just as our digestive tracts are 
structured efficiently to perform that function.  Brain cells (neurons) are in 
the stomach to detect toxins and trigger a rapid response. 


6- Living things do, as you say, have a clear advantage over abiotic bodies 
when it comes to evolution.  However, abiotic bodies comprise the things that 
evolve, so they are along for the evolutionary journey.  A light photon 
traveling from the sun is abiotic, but a plant captures and processes it to 
produce sugar and oxygen. Then animals eat the sugar and breathe the oxygen.  
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.  Biological life is comprised of abiotic 
material, and that's what it eventually becomes when life ends.  


7- For an atom (anything) to "evolve" in nature, it appears a mechanism would 
have to exist involving birth, death, reproduction, the concept of more fit vs. 
less fit, etc.  I am not aware of anyone describing such a mechanism for atomic 
particles.  It is possible that some atoms can be described as "evolving" into 
metals or certain compounds independent of environmental conditions, but I am 
unaware of any such mechanism.  


8- I watched a video last night from the iTunes Store about Darwin which 
illustrated the example provided in your final sentences.  The same bird 
evolved different beaks on each of the Galápagos Islands, corresponding to the 
food found on each.  A series of birds collected by Darwin were laid next to 
each other; on one end was a tiny beak, while on the other the beak was very 
large.  The birds evolved, not the beaks, via the "survival of the fittest" 
mechanism.  (This is #7.)  Other genetic changes occurred in the birds while 
their beaks were evolving, so they became distinct species and lost the ability 
to reproduce with each other. 



Tom Wyrick



On Jul 19, 2015, at 8:44 AM, Edwina Taborsky <tabor...@primus.ca> wrote:

Tom - I like your outline of the nature of instinct, as a property triggered by 
an external stimuli. 


This further suggests that instinct is a property found not merely in the 
individual unit - i.e., an entity with distinct boundaries (which could be a 
chemical molecule or a bacterium) but further, only in an entity that has the 
capacity, as that individual, to act and react (which could take place both 
within the bacterium and the molecule). So do both the biotic and abiotic realm 
function within instinct? Or is instinct a property only of the more complex 


That is, instinct is seemingly removed, as a form of knowledge, from the 
normative habits or rules-of-formation of abiotic matter. Certainly, a chemical 
molecule can, in interaction with another molecule, transform itself into a 
more complex molecule. But are the habits, the chemical rules-of-formation on 
the same operational level as instinct? Can these habits continuously adapt and 
evolve in the abiotic realm? That is, is instinct a specific form of innate 
knowledge that gives the biotic realm an existential advantage? 


I'd suggest that it is a basic form of knowledge that activates the organism to 
adapt and evolve in the face of environmental stimuli. If the environment 
changes such that a property is missing in the environment (water, food, 
security, other members of the species) - then, instinct will activate the 
individual to move to a site where such properties do exist. 


One could also suggest that if the environment changes such that food seeds 
have tougher shells, instinct, stimulated by the deprivation of food,  would 
activate the current individuals in that area to develop a tougher beak.





----- Original Message ----- 

From: Ozzie <mailto:ozzie...@gmail.com>  

To: Benjamin Udell <mailto:bud...@nyc.rr.com>  

Cc: peirce-l@list.iupui.edu 

Sent: Friday, July 17, 2015 11:53 AM

Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Instinct and emotion


Ben, list - 

Thanks for your interesting comments.  I will spend more time thinking about 
them later today. 


Let me briefly address one sentence from your comments:  "I'd say that 
instincts can also be triggered _inside_ the body, e.g., by prolonged emptiness 
of the stomach."


According to the common definition (interpretant) instincts are triggered by 
things in the external world.   Before birth, food is ALWAYS available to the 
baby.  After birth, and assuming an attentive mother (caregiver), food 
continues to be available without any effort or reciprocation on the baby's 
behalf.  This goes on daily for many years, so not feeling hunger pains becomes 
the norm, the expectation.  


Against that backdrop, when food is withheld (by the external environment), 
one's sensation of hunger (-) is a disturbance to the status quo (0), which 
summons the instinct to do something (+) to make that "pain" go away.  When 
something from the environment is eaten (+), the sensation (-) disappears (0).  


It is in this sense hunger pains and their elimination are related to 
(triggered by) the individual's contact with the external world.  If the 
individual eats a full meal AND THEN feels hungry, I agree that particular 
sensation has an *internal trigger (likely emotions or a physical disability). 



Tom Wyrick



On Jul 17, 2015, at 8:04 AM, Benjamin Udell <bud...@nyc.rr.com> wrote:

Regarding some of your comments, I'd say that instincts can also be triggered 
_inside_ the body, e.g., by prolonged emptiness of the stomach.


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