List, Jim:

Jim, you seemed to have missed the point of my post. 

Please point me toward a passage  from CSP that you think indicates the 
categorical distinction between
> ens a se and ens ab alio, as Latin phrases in the since of Suarez.

I made no mention of "existential relations."  Where does this thought come 

This sentence  " I doubt that a discussion of medads (or satsified, 0-place 
relations) or rhemes/propositions solely within the logic will help, since it 
is a modern epistemological (phenomenological) approach that is decisive for 

makes no sense to me.

>  Cheaply put, experience and science replaces theology with respect to ens ab 
> alio. 

I made no mention of theology.  Why do you introduce it?

Does the concept of a whole and parts of whole organized into a collection of 
propositions influence your views of theology?  If so, how?

Perhaps you are opposed to mereology for a specific reason?

The central issue, at least to me, is how does the trichotomy relate to 
diagrams and other forms of generating a coherent set of propositions such that 
an argument is formed?  



On Aug 2, 2015, at 5:57 PM, Jim Willgoose wrote:

> Hello Jerry.
> How can you say that P ignores the distinction? There is a lot of 
> distinguishing between being-in-itself and existential relations.  I doubt 
> that a discussion of medads (or satsified, 0-place relations) or 
> rhemes/propositions solely within the logic will help, since it is a modern 
> epistemological (phenomenological) approach that is decisive for existence. 
> Cheaply put, experience and science replaces theology with respect to ens ab 
> alio. 
> Jim W
> From:
> Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 13:36:06 -0500
> To:
> Subject: [PEIRCE-L] A metaphysical omission of the trichotomy: ens a se and 
> ens ab alio
> List:
> CSP proposed the trichotomy as a universal logic, such that the rhetorical 
> terms can be used to generate an argument which is decidable - that is, is 
> either true or false.  The binding of the 8 rhetorical terms that serve to 
> ground the propositions of the trichotomy to one-another is unclear (to me, 
> at least).  Although, the rhetoric is somehow related his view of the 
> incompleteness of the blanks of a sentence and filling those blanks with 
> terms such the meaning of the medad is a proposition.  (This notion of a 
> completed medad can (and should) be contrasted with the Aristotelian chaining 
> of sorites, the chaining of chemical elements into compounds and the 
> concatenation of variables in linear algebra by presupposing a common 
> Cartesian axis of representation. And, of course, the corresponding diagrams 
> of logical objects.)
> This background of CSP's attempt to construct a universal form for 
> argumentation ignores the distinctions between
> ens a se and ens ab alio, metaphysical terms of the influential philosopher 
> Suarez, 1548-1617.
> Chemical argumentation, which certainly is a part of universal argumentation, 
> distinguishes between ens a se and ens ab alio  at the fundamental level of 
> the meaning of an atom.  The sin-sign of an atom necessarily represents a 
> name that represents the predicates of the form.  In this respect, the index 
> of the sinsign is a single unit, it is being that is from itself,   that is, 
> ens a se.   
> Chemical argumentation is extended from atoms to molecules. The sinsign of a 
> molecule necessarily represents a compound of atoms.  The number of atoms in 
> a molecule is indexed on the elements present in the entity. In this respect, 
> the index must be complete with respect to the parts of the whole, the atomic 
> units that give form to the molecule. That is, an index of the sinsign must 
> be based on ens ab alio,  being that is from others.
> The ordering of concepts from ens a se to ens ab alio  is the basis of the 
> logical conjunction of material inference that form icons.  CSP then argues 
> these material inferences are components of the medad and beget the 
> contribution of the rhema to the universal argument.
> While a sinsign may have many indices, the ens a se to ens ab alio is 
> essential to forming propositions related to CSP's notion of medads within 
> the trichotomy.
> This suggests we need to re-think the ordering of concepts that are implicit 
> to the terminology of the trichotomy.
> Cheers
> Jerry
> Suárez made an important investigation of being, its properties and division 
> in Disputationes Metaphysicae (1597), which influenced the further 
> development of theology within Catholicism. In the second part of the book, 
> disputations 28-53, Suárez fixes the distinction between ens infinitum (God) 
> and ens finitum (created beings). The first division of being is that between 
> ens infinitum and ens finitum. Instead of dividing being into infinite and 
> finite, it can also be divided into ens a seand ens ab alio, i.e., being that 
> is from itself and being that is from another. A second distinction 
> corresponding to this one:ens necessarium and ens contingens, i.e., necessary 
> being and contingent being. Still another formulation of the distinction is 
> between ens per essentiam and ens per participationem, i.e., being that 
> exists by reason of its essence and being that exists only by participation 
> in a being that exists on its own (eigentlich). A further distinction is 
> between ens increatum and ens creatum, i.e., uncreated being and created, or 
> creaturely, being. A final distinction is between being asactus purus and 
> being as ens potentiale, i.e., being as pure actuality and being as potential 
> being. Suárez decided in favor of the first classification of the being into 
> ens infinitum and ens finitum as the most fundamental, in connection with 
> which he accords the other classifications their due. In the last disputation 
> 54 Suárez deals with entia rationis (beings of reason), which are impossible 
> intentional objects, i.e. objects that are created by our minds but cannot 
> exist in actual reality.[7]
> -----------------------------
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