Dear all,

When I presented the list with the theory of practopoiesis and suggested that the three traverses can account for abductive reasoning, I also received a number of questions regarding Peirce's work to which I had no answers. The reason I had no answers was that I did not know much about work of Peirce other than abductive reasoning.

Now, I would like to share with you that I have made a bit of a step forward. One of the questions (or suggestions) that I received was that perhaps the three levels of organization that I proposed (three traverses) correspond to the three Peirce's categories: Firstness, Secondness, and Thirdness.

Meanwhile, I have learned more about Peirce and I think that the answer is: No. The three levels of organization do not correspond to these three aspects of our consciousness. Actually, it seems that all three categories should be assigned to the same level of organization, and this would be the middle level, which I named anapoiesis.

I always thought that this middle level is the most interesting part of the theory, as it can produce a fascinatingly rich dynamics to explain consciousness. Now, it seems to me that 1ness, 2ness, and 3ness correspond very nicely to different aspects of its dynamics. So, it appears that this aspect of Pierce's work will be extremely helpful in the future in describing different aspects of adaptive processes in tri-traversal systems.

Peirce's philosophy (at least a part of it) may even get some sort of a foundation in hard sciences, which would be amazing.

  I hope that someone finds this useful.




Prof. Dr. Danko Nikolic


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Department of Neurophysiology
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