On 10/6/15 10:22 PM, Edwina Taborsky wrote:
Peirce wrote: "The object of the belief exists it is true, only because the belief exists; but this is not the same as to say that it begins to exist first when the belief begins to exist." The object exists, regardless of whether or not you KNOW about it or have any belief about it. As Peirce wrote in other places - the object exists independent of what you or I think of it. BUT, when you start to examine that object, and gain knowledge about it - then, the object exists _within the belief_.

OK, an object's existence _within the belief_ is the immediate object, as opposed to the dynamic object. (After 100+ "I disagrees" I'm going for an "I agree".)

Many people speak of a teleological aspect of Peirce's philosophy. I assumed that the above quote was an example of it. Do you agree?

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