Matt - I have some logical questions:

1) "instincts are no longer considered to work toward the probable perpetuation 
of the species, but they work only toward the probable perpetuation of their 
specific gene type, sometimes at the expense of the species."

I always dislike the passive tense "no longer considered to work'...because it 
leaves out the important AGENT. Who says that instincts no longer work toward 
the continuity of the species"? Proof? Or just some 'expert' 
(Appeal-to-Authority Fallacy).

Instincts work only toward the perpetuation of their gene type? Ah, a 
reductionist view - and how does the gene harm the species? Examples of both 
privileging the gene and harming the species? 


2) "Perhaps you're right. If so, and if the scientists who say we've already 
embarked on the sixth mass extinction, which is caused by man and threatens 
man's existence, and if Sapolsky is also right, it's because man's instincts 
outweighed his logic."

Which scientists? Do they 'know' the truth? Do any disagree with them? And 
isn't instinct in itself, embedded Reason? That is, the embedded (instinctual) 
normative habits of organization of a species, from the lizard to the human, 
are in themselves, expressions of Mind, of 'universal Reason'. Therefore, they 
are logical - eg, the capacity for language, the capacity for abductive or 
hypothetical reasoning vs inductive/deductive. 


  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Matt Faunce 
  To: Peirce-L 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 07, 2015 12:27 AM
  Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] Re: A Second-Best Morality


  Somewhere the Essential Peirce he says something to the extent that an act in 
violation of love is illogical. You might find some support for your idea if 
you can find it.

  On the other hand, I know instinct isn't logic, but this might be relevant: I 
learned from listening to a lecture by Robert Sapolsky that instincts are no 
longer considered to work toward the probable perpetuation of the species, but 
they work only toward the probable perpetuation of their specific gene type, 
sometimes at the expense of the species.

  Right now I can only narrow the source down to the first two or three 
lectures in this series:

  Perhaps you're right. If so, and if the scientists who say we've already 
embarked on the sixth mass extinction, which is caused by man and threatens 
man's existence, and if Sapolsky is also right, it's because man's instincts 
outweighed his logic.


  On 10/6/15 11:49 PM, Thomas wrote:

    Matt, Edwina, List -

    I am still persuaded that we (humans) evolved the cognitive ability to 
manipulate logic for the sole purpose of ensuring our survival.  We didn't 
choose that - it evolved, and we are the beneficiaries.  Our brains+logic were 
optimized in nature to ensure our survival, over millions of years.  The 
Pragmatic way we analyze issues and weigh options comes naturally, because it 
defines who we are. 

    Likewise, the social institutions created by Pragmatic logic have the 
primary purpose of ensuring the survival of the species.  We will never reach 
perfection, but it survival is the normative objective that we instinctively 
use to judge and change our institutions. 

    Pragmatic logic cannot aim for any other long-run result ahead of survival. 
 It wouldn't know how.  Other goals to animate our social institutions will 
either fail to gain (informed, logical) adherents, or those goals must actually 
be intermediate goals that promote survival. 

    If I'm wrong about the way evolution works, we should be able to identify 
prominent features of other species that have no survival value, and are simply 

    Tom Wyrick 


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