
A bit envious am I.  Wish I could have attended.

I waded through a substantial portion of his book:
Peirce’s Logic of Continuity: A Mathematical and Conceptual Approach (Docent, 
several months ago.  

Very innovative mind and mathematics.  Definitely not in the mainstream and 
hence even more stimulating.

His innovative wordings make it difficult to sort out where Peirce ends and 
Zalamea begins.

IMHO, of course.



On Oct 8, 2015, at 4:33 PM, Gary Richmond wrote:

> List,
> Michael Shapiro and I attended the first of the lectures in the seminar 
> series which Fernando Zalamea is giving at Pratt in New York City. For now 
> I'll only say that this seminar will, I believe, prove to be a substantial 
> gift to practitioners and students of mathematics, philosophy, cultural 
> studies, art, literature, music, etc. 
> As you saw in the announcement Ben posted, the lectures will be held every 
> Tuesday and Wednesday in October with a concluding Round Table discussion on 
> Saturday, October 24th. Unfortunately, because of schedule conflicts I will 
> be unable to attend all the seminar events but, fortunately, the slides for 
> each lecture will be offered after each lecture at this site: 
> The lectures themselves are expected 
> to be posted at this site some time in the 
> future. We'll let you know when they become available.
> The first lecture was, naturally, an overview of the seminar. Suffice it to 
> say that I'm glad I'd done a little self-study in topology a few years ago. 
> While Zalamea promised to say some things directed to non-mathematicians in 
> the course of the series, this first lecture was necessarily mathematics 
> heavy. Other lectures promise to find cultural applications of the 
> mathematical concepts being considered. The specifically Peirce-related 
> lecture will be the third on Wednesday, Oct. 14th.
> Best,
> Gary
> Gary Richmond
> Philosophy and Critical Thinking
> Communication Studies
> LaGuardia College of the City University of New York
> C 745
> 718 482-5690
> On Tue, Sep 29, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Benjamin Udell <> wrote:
> Lists,
> Jeffrey Brian Downard tells us, and suggests that we announce to peirce-l and 
> the biosemiotics list, that Fernando Zalamea is giving a series of lectures 
> in NYC starting next week, and is applying ideas from Peirce's mathematical 
> work to logic in questions in contemporary culture theory.
> Below is the information from the final flier (2.5MB, & much larger in email) 
> that Zalamea sent to Downard and which I've posted at 
> .
> Grothendieck 
>  and a Theory of 
>   Contemporary
>    Transgression
> A Lecture Series with Philosopher of Mathematics 
> Fernando Zalamea   
> Professor of Mathematics at    
> Universidad Nacional de Colombia    
> The lectures will introduce the groundbreaking work of 20th Century French 
> mathematician Alexander Grothendieck in relation to the work of C.S. Peirce, 
> Novalis, Florensky, Warburg, P. Valery, theories of topoi and sheaves, 
> networks, art, and music, towards a generalized theory of transgression for 
> mathematics, philosophy, and contemporary culture in our transmodern world.
> Lectures 
>  6:30-8:30 pm Wed/Thur
>   Oct. 7, 8, 14, 15, 21, 22
> Final Rountable Event 
>  6:00-9:00 pm Sat Oct. 24
>   Rountable including 
>    Reza Negarestani, Christopher Vitale, Guerino Mazzola, and other guests.
> Pratt Manhattan Campus 
>  144 West 14th Street,
>   Room 213 (2nd Floor)
>    Room 702 (7th Floor)
> The Graduate Program in Media Studies
> For more information, including the specific rooms to be used session, as 
> well as a list of seminar topics by date, 
> please see the seminar website at 
> Or contact Christopher Vitale at
> Pratt
> More information can be found at: 
> Some important information from
> [....] Due to a large number of RSVPs, we have been able to reserve a larger 
> room for the majority of the events (on Oct. 7, 15, 21, 22, 24), but on those 
> days in which we are in the smaller room (Oct. 8, 14), seating will be 
> limited due to fire safety, and available for those who arrive first.
> Room Locations: Room 213, 2nd Floor (seats 90): Opening Session on Oct. 7; 
> Session meetings on Oct. 15, 21, 22; Final Roundtable on Oct. 24.
> Room 702, 7th Floor (seats 22): Session meetings on Oct. 8, 14.
> No registration is required, all the events are free and open to the public. 
> In order for us to best estimate attendance, however, please send an email to 
> let us know if you plan to attend one or more sessions. Send this email, 
> along with any questions,  to Christopher Vitale of The Graduate Program in 
> Media Studies at Pratt at .
> Zalamea is the author of such books as: 
> Synthetic Philosophy of Contemporary Mathematics (Urbanomic, 2012)
> Peirce's Logic of Continuity: A Conceptual and Mathematical Approach (Docent, 
> 2012)
> Los gráficos existenciales peirceanos. Sistemas de lógicas diagramáticas de 
> continuo: horosis, tránsitos, reflejos, fondos.   [Peircean Existential 
> Graphs: Systems of Diagrammatic Logics of the Continuum: Horosis, Transits, 
> Reflections, Bases.] (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2010). 
> Ariadna y Penélope: Redes y Mixturas en el Mundo Contemporáneo [Ariadne and 
> Penelope: Networks and Mixtures in the Contemporary World ] (Ediciones Nobel, 
> 2004).
> Best regards,
> Ben Udell, PEIRCE-L co-manager, for myself and Gary Richmond, PEIRCE-L 
> moderator & co-manager.
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