Jeff, List:

I am still fairly new to Peirce's thought, but decided to jump in with what
I hope is a simple correction/clarification here.

JD:  The reason I ask is that, when we move to the larger 66-fold
classification, Peirce characterizes the division between icon, index and
symbol in terms of the relation between sign and dynamical interpretant.

JS:  No, icon/index/symbol actually corresponds to the relation between
sign and dynamical OBJECT.  The relation between sign and dynamical
INTERPRETANT is divided into suggestive/imperative/indicative, although
earlier Peirce characterized it as presented/urged/submitted; Short has
advocated maintaining the latter terminology as more helpfully
descriptive.  So a qualisign is ALWAYS suggestive or presented.

JD:  In the same system, he classifies the division between rheme, dicisign
and argument in terms of the relation between sign and final interpretant.
With these divisions in mind, what should we say about the relation between
the qualisign and the object considered simply as an object of thought
(i.e., an immediate object)?  The term "icon" doesn't appear to be a
classification that applies to this kind of relation.  Similarly, what
should we say about the relation between the qualisign and the immediate
interpretant?  The term "rheme" doesn't appear to apply to this kind of

JS:  Peirce did not propose separate trichotomies for the relations between
sign and immediate object or between sign and immediate interpretant,
presumably because both of those are INTERNAL to the sign.  The division
for the immediate object itself is descriptive/designative/copulative (with
some other terminological varations), and that for the immediate
interpretant itself is hypothetic/categorical/relative (earlier
feelings/experiences/thoughts).  A qualisign can have an immediate object
in any of the three modes, but its immediate interpretant is always
hypothetic (or feelings).


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -
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