Hello Jon S., Gary F., List,

Jon, given what you say in 1&2 below, then we do have a question.  Gary F. says 
that qualisigns are always icons, while you say that the icons are always based 
on the relation of the sign to the dynamical interpretant.  

What, then, should we say about the following kind of case that Peirce 
explicitly considers in his writings on perception.  In seeing a yellow chair 
with a green cushion, the awareness of the chair and pillow is a percept that 
serves as the immediate object.  The percept does not represent the chair.  
Rather, it is a vague awareness that is largely characterized in following 
terms:  "it appears to me," "makes no professions of any kind," "It does not 
stand for anything," "I can’t dismiss is, as I would a fancy."

Peirce asks:  what logical bearing does the percept have upon knowledge and 
belief?  He says that it can be summed up in three precepts:
a. It contributes something positive.
b. It compels the perceiver to acknowledge it. 
c. It neither offers any reason for such acknowledgement nor makes any 
pretension to reasonableness. 

If the person perceiving the chair attends to the feeling of yellow, then this 
quality of feeling can stand as a qualisign so long as it bears the right kind 
of relationship to an interpretant.  In this case, the immediate interpretant 
is something like a schema in the imagination, which he describes as having the 
form of a skeleton of a set, which is a formal set of relations that can serve 
as a diagram of sorts.  To put things in quite simple terms:  the quality of 
the feeling of "yellow" can be thought of as a dot (a monadic kind of thing), 
that stands in a relation to the quality of feeling of "color," which is also 
pictured by Peirce as a dot on a page, and the relation of containment between 
yellow and color is pictured as a line between the dots.

So, what is the qualisign? It is not the quality of the feeling of yellow 
considered in isolation.  In order for such a quality to serve as a qualisign, 
Peirce claims that it must be considered in its relation to other qualities of 
the feeling--such as the various shades of yellow, the color green or the 
quality of color itself.  What is the immediate interpretant?  It is a possible 
diagram consisting of a skeleton of a set that can be constructed of the formal 
relations between these colors.  He calls the immediate interpretant the 
percipuum.  When he lays out what the percipuum is, it turns out that this 
interpretant is quite rich in its relation to past and future anticipated 
feelings--all of which are ordered in terms of such things are relative 
intensity, time, being spread in space, etc.

What then, is the character of the relation between the qualisign (the quality 
of the feeling of yellow) and the immediate object (the vague awareness of the 
yellow chair with the green cushion as a percept)?  Jon suggest that this 
relationship is not one of iconicity.  Such a term does not apply because this 
is an internal relation.  I suspect that this language of internal relation may 
prove to be quite helpful, because it is a general way of describing an 
important distinction between kinds of relations.  In "On a New List of 
Categories," Peirce draws on the scholastic distinction between relations of 
equiparance and disquiparance.  The former can fruitfully be thought of as 
internal relations of similarity.  How does this help us understand the opening 
moves in NDTR?  Peirce later found it necessary to modify the account of what 
relations of equiparance consist in:  

In my paper of 1867, I committed the error of identifying those relations 
constituted by non-relative characters with relations of equiparance, that is, 
with necessarily mutual relations, and the dynamical relations with relations 
of disquiparance, or possibly non-mutual relations. Subsequently, falling out 
of one error into another, I identified the two classes respectively with 
relations of reason and relations in re. (CP 1.567)

My hunch is that Peirce's examination genuinely triadic sign relations in NDTR 
is guided by his evolving understanding of what is necessary for establishing 
the kinds of ordered relations between the vague qualities of feelings in our 
percepts that are necessary for making comparisons between such things as the 
hue of a yellow chair and the hue of a green pillow.  In fact, I think he is 
attributing to the qualisign the features that are necessary to explain how 
such comparisons are possible (e.g., in the relatively uncontrolled inferences 
that give rise to our perceptual judgments).


Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354
From: Jon Alan Schmidt [jonalanschm...@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2015 1:29 PM
To: Jeffrey Brian Downard; peirce-l@list.iupui.edu
Subject: Re: [PEIRCE-L] RE: signs, correlates, and triadic relations

Jeff, List:

To answer your corrected questions ...

1.  Yes, icon/index/symbol is always based on the relation between sign and 
dynamical object.
2.  No, icon/index/symbol is not a classification of signs that includes the 
relation of sign to immediate object.

I am not going to be able to provide specific references regarding internal vs. 
external; to be honest, I am not sure whether that terminological distinction 
comes directly from Peirce's own writings or from the secondary literature.  
However, my understanding is that the trichotomy for the immediate 
object/interpretant itself is interchangeable with the trichotomy for its 
relation to the sign; it is precisely this lack of a separate relation that 
makes them immediate, rather than dynamical.  In fact, that letter to Lady 
Welby is exactly what I had in mind when I mentioned the "earlier" 
classification of the immediate interpretant as feelings/experiences/thoughts 
(vs. hypothetic/categorical/relative).


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman
www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt<http://www.LinkedIn.com/in/JonAlanSchmidt> - 

On Mon, Dec 7, 2015 at 1:14 PM, Jeffrey Brian Downard 
<jeffrey.down...@nau.edu<mailto:jeffrey.down...@nau.edu>> wrote:
Hello Jon, List,

Quick responses and a further question.

J.S.:  No, icon/index/symbol actually corresponds to the relation between sign 
and dynamical OBJECT.

J.D.:  Yes, my apologies for the error.  I meant to say:  is the icon is a 
class of signs that is always based on the relation between sign and dynamical 
object?  Or, is it also a classification of signs that includes the relation of 
sign to immediate object as well?

J.S.: Peirce did not propose separate trichotomies for the relations between 
sign and immediate object or between sign and immediate interpretant, 
presumably because both of those are INTERNAL to the sign.

J.D.:  Can you point me to some places where Peirce explains what is internal 
and what is external to a sign?  I'd like to take a look.  Note:  while I agree 
that Peirce did not offer a set of terms for classifying signs based on the 
relation of sign to immediate object or the relation of sign to immediate 
interpretant, he does talk about kinds of signs that are based on those 
relations.  Here is what he says a letter to Lady Welby.

In respect to its immediate object a sign may be
1. a sign of a quality
2. of an existent
3. or of a law. (CP 8.336)

Relation of sign to immediate interpretant:
1. those interpretable in qualities of feelings or appearances
2. those interpretable in actual experiences
3. those interpretable in other signs of the same kind in infinite series. (CP 

What aren't these included in the list of the most important kinds of relations 
that we need to consider when classifying signs.  Even if they are not the most 
important, what light do they shed on Peirce's larger classificatory system for 
signs and sign relations?


Jeffrey Downard
Associate Professor
Department of Philosophy
Northern Arizona University
(o) 928 523-8354<tel:928%20523-8354>
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