Jerry R., List

Please provide a bit more guidance.

The article is 62 pages long.  Can you give the page numbers which directly 
reference the compelling argument you wish to share with the list?

The corneal epithelial cells allow light (EM, electro-magnetic radiation) to 
pass into the eye. 

At this point I now presume that phi is the 1.62… and that he is referring to a 
pattern similar to sunflower seeds on the head, or the swirls on pine cones and 
many other plant morphologies.



> On Feb 15, 2016, at 6:42 PM, Jerry Rhee <> wrote:
> Hi jerry c,
> Thanks for asking!  My response is...because Bruner.  I assert that it is an 
> example of
> "...a kind of pragmatics of knowledge acquisition...Not William James's 
> "pragmatic," but Peirce's "pragmaticism"...
> pits contrary things against each other...context is crucially 
> important...illustrates the difference between explanation and 
> interpretation...demonstrates our nature to categorize...there is hope for a 
> synthesis and reconciliation at the end...growth is what human goodness and 
> virtue, or whatever you want to call it, are about...most people aren't even 
> aware of the culture...
> ...the business of noticeability...develop a perceptual hypothesis about 
> "What's that?" that hypothesis comes out of an enormous amount of not very 
> explicit knowledge of how things are in the world....
> ...a stimulus is not a stimulus is not a stimulus.  That a stimulus is 
> something which in effect sets up processes of intentionality, in a 
> philosopher's sense.  Essentially it has to be mediated."
> ~From "Keeping the Conversation Going: An Interview with Jerome Bruner", 
> Bradd Shore.
> <>
> For example... I've never claimed EM Radiation.  What is that and how would 
> that generate a phi spiral?
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 6:26 PM, Jerry LR Chandler 
> < <>> wrote:
> Jerry R, List:
> On more than one occasion you have mentioned, 
>> phi spiral on mouse corneal epithelial cells
> What is it about this particular biochemical effect of EM radiation that is 
> of interest to you such that you single it out from vastly more perplex 
> biochemical effects that are intrinsic nature / natural mathematics?
> Cheers
> jerry c.
>> On Feb 15, 2016, at 5:59 PM, Jerry Rhee < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I would say that's a skeptical attitude.  One of the reasons given for 
>> justifying abduction is to provide a response to skepticism.
>> A response:
>> Firstness:  object (that is observed) = phi spiral on mouse corneal 
>> epithelial cells
>> Secondness:  sign/representamen = FEM model and not Netlogo
>> Thirdness:  Immediate interpretant = hierarchical/structural optimization of 
>> corneal collagen arrangements
>> Final/Dynamical interpretant = to be determined in futuro, (c.f., contrast 
>> between "adaptive mesh refinement and adaptive physics refinement" in 
>> Turab Lookman.
>> Argumentation and explication is given in:
>> Promoting convergence: the phi spiral in abduction of mouse corneal 
>> behaviors.
>> But really, the argument is
>> if not this, which?
>> Best, 
>> J
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 4:40 PM, Jon Awbrey < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Thanks, Cary,
>> If I'm being a bit laconic here it's probably because the issues
>> I see looming, from still no more than a cursory glance, are ones
>> that have reared their heads so many times in the past that I can
>> scarcely think of new ways to address them.  And I take far less
>> pleasure in repeating myself than the assembled company no doubt
>> thinks I do.
>> Just off the cuff again, many of the frequently recurring issues have
>> to do with ambiguities in the use of those words that stem from “tri-”.
>> One of the first issues I can remember discussing on this List is the
>> differences between a trichotomy, a triadic relation, and any old set
>> of three domains, essences, predicates, or qualities.
>> It's a funny story why “astrology” comes to mind for me at this point.
>> Back in the days when I was heavily invested in the study of C.G. Jung
>> and his school I assimilated mass quantities of arcane material on the
>> archetypes involved in a number of esoteric traditions, East and West,
>> alchemy, astrology, kabbalah, numerology, taoism, and a host of others.
>> Now the one thing that eventually strikes every critically reflective
>> student of these pre-scientific paradigms regarding their function is
>> the way almost any conceptual scheme whatever serves good stead for
>> unifying the manifold of sensuous massa confusa that assaults the
>> bewildered mind, at least, until a better paradigm comes along.
>> So that is the caution I'd be advising here ...
>> Regards,
>> Jon
>> On 2/15/2016 3:58 PM, Cary Campbell wrote:
>> And an important cautionary note at that.
>> thank you.
>> Cary
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Jon Awbrey" < <>>
>> To: "Peirce List" < <>>
>> Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 10:48:25 AM
>> Subject: [PEIRCE-L] How do Peirce's categories best fit the study of the 
>> arts?
>> As far as “philosophical astrology” goes, I probably should have
>> made it clearer that I wasn't referring to Adrian's offering under
>> that sign, since I haven't had a chance to do more than glance at it,
>> but I was merely describing a trend I've observed over the last couple
>> of decades.  So it's really just a cautionary note.
>> Regards,
>> Jon
>> -- 
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