Jerry R. 

Thank you.
The reference clarifies your meaning.

Other matters are pressing, so, perhaps we can take up this topic at a later 



> On Feb 15, 2016, at 11:31 PM, Jerry Rhee <> wrote:
> Hi jerry c,
> 62 pages?  Do you mean the Bruner interview or the article?  With respect to 
> the former, my previous response simply contained quotes from the interview.  
> It's word-searchable. 
> The Complexity article is a regular article (10 pages?).  
> <>
> It starts with the issue of pondering the phenomenon in all its aspects (NA). 
>  But what expert knows all aspects of a wonderful phenomenon that breaks in 
> upon the habit of the expectation of the inquisiturus? 
> The world is huge, bigger than any computer and bigger than you can imagine.  
> Different disciplines use different methods, have different standards, and 
> attend different things.  So by what method should we arrive at an 
> explanation that says, "gotcha"; a unique and final account?  One runs into 
> social problems in the process of knowledge construction and integration.
> This situated example is useful because it deals with interpreting what the 
> phenomenon is (1st), what the index should be (2nd) and selecting between 
> different proposals (3rd).  Phi spiral abduction is a single, complete, 
> defensible and perspicuous example of an inferential creative act but it 
> gives justifications in uberty and some in security.  It questions what you 
> should accept as evidence of “effective surprise”.  It’s measurable and 
> testable.  It questions how we define human effectiveness for this case, 
> which has “delight and travel, then” for integrating disciplines and 
> improving economy through education.
> The many nuances of organizing experience are elaborated in "On Knowing, 
> Essays for the Left Hand".
> The relations with phyllotaxis are complicated and don’t have to do with 
> light passing the material inasmuch as the material design, which allows 
> light to pass optimally but balances that with the property of toughness.  
> The material is tough and optically clear; not tough and opaque or clear and 
> brittle.  It also is a natural material with the mark of perfection.  We can 
> then talk about truth, perfection and morality in a systematic manner by 
> situating the knower in context of our current culture…
> hth,
> J
> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 10:27 PM, Jerry LR Chandler < 
> <>> wrote:
> Jerry R., List
> Please provide a bit more guidance.
> The article is 62 pages long.  Can you give the page numbers which directly 
> reference the compelling argument you wish to share with the list?
> The corneal epithelial cells allow light (EM, electro-magnetic radiation) to 
> pass into the eye. 
> At this point I now presume that phi is the 1.62… and that he is referring to 
> a pattern similar to sunflower seeds on the head, or the swirls on pine cones 
> and many other plant morphologies.
> Cheers
> Jerry
>> On Feb 15, 2016, at 6:42 PM, Jerry Rhee < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi jerry c,
>> Thanks for asking!  My response is...because Bruner.  I assert that it is an 
>> example of
>> "...a kind of pragmatics of knowledge acquisition...Not William James's 
>> "pragmatic," but Peirce's "pragmaticism"...
>> pits contrary things against each other...context is crucially 
>> important...illustrates the difference between explanation and 
>> interpretation...demonstrates our nature to categorize...there is hope for a 
>> synthesis and reconciliation at the end...growth is what human goodness and 
>> virtue, or whatever you want to call it, are about...most people aren't even 
>> aware of the culture...
>> ...the business of noticeability...develop a perceptual hypothesis about 
>> "What's that?" that hypothesis comes out of an enormous amount of not very 
>> explicit knowledge of how things are in the world....
>> ...a stimulus is not a stimulus is not a stimulus.  That a stimulus is 
>> something which in effect sets up processes of intentionality, in a 
>> philosopher's sense.  Essentially it has to be mediated."
>> ~From "Keeping the Conversation Going: An Interview with Jerome Bruner", 
>> Bradd Shore.
>> <>
>> For example... I've never claimed EM Radiation.  What is that and how would 
>> that generate a phi spiral?
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 6:26 PM, Jerry LR Chandler 
>> < <>> wrote:
>> Jerry R, List:
>> On more than one occasion you have mentioned, 
>>> phi spiral on mouse corneal epithelial cells
>> What is it about this particular biochemical effect of EM radiation that is 
>> of interest to you such that you single it out from vastly more perplex 
>> biochemical effects that are intrinsic nature / natural mathematics?
>> Cheers
>> jerry c.
>>> On Feb 15, 2016, at 5:59 PM, Jerry Rhee < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I would say that's a skeptical attitude.  One of the reasons given for 
>>> justifying abduction is to provide a response to skepticism.
>>> A response:
>>> Firstness:  object (that is observed) = phi spiral on mouse corneal 
>>> epithelial cells
>>> Secondness:  sign/representamen = FEM model and not Netlogo
>>> Thirdness:  Immediate interpretant = hierarchical/structural optimization 
>>> of corneal collagen arrangements
>>> Final/Dynamical interpretant = to be determined in futuro, (c.f., contrast 
>>> between "adaptive mesh refinement and adaptive physics refinement" in 
>>> Turab Lookman.
>>> Argumentation and explication is given in:
>>> Promoting convergence: the phi spiral in abduction of mouse corneal 
>>> behaviors.
>>> But really, the argument is
>>> if not this, which?
>>> Best, 
>>> J
>>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 4:40 PM, Jon Awbrey < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Thanks, Cary,
>>> If I'm being a bit laconic here it's probably because the issues
>>> I see looming, from still no more than a cursory glance, are ones
>>> that have reared their heads so many times in the past that I can
>>> scarcely think of new ways to address them.  And I take far less
>>> pleasure in repeating myself than the assembled company no doubt
>>> thinks I do.
>>> Just off the cuff again, many of the frequently recurring issues have
>>> to do with ambiguities in the use of those words that stem from “tri-”.
>>> One of the first issues I can remember discussing on this List is the
>>> differences between a trichotomy, a triadic relation, and any old set
>>> of three domains, essences, predicates, or qualities.
>>> It's a funny story why “astrology” comes to mind for me at this point.
>>> Back in the days when I was heavily invested in the study of C.G. Jung
>>> and his school I assimilated mass quantities of arcane material on the
>>> archetypes involved in a number of esoteric traditions, East and West,
>>> alchemy, astrology, kabbalah, numerology, taoism, and a host of others.
>>> Now the one thing that eventually strikes every critically reflective
>>> student of these pre-scientific paradigms regarding their function is
>>> the way almost any conceptual scheme whatever serves good stead for
>>> unifying the manifold of sensuous massa confusa that assaults the
>>> bewildered mind, at least, until a better paradigm comes along.
>>> So that is the caution I'd be advising here ...
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon
>>> On 2/15/2016 3:58 PM, Cary Campbell wrote:
>>> And an important cautionary note at that.
>>> thank you.
>>> Cary
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Jon Awbrey" < <>>
>>> To: "Peirce List" < <>>
>>> Sent: Sunday, February 14, 2016 10:48:25 AM
>>> Subject: [PEIRCE-L] How do Peirce's categories best fit the study of the 
>>> arts?
>>> As far as “philosophical astrology” goes, I probably should have
>>> made it clearer that I wasn't referring to Adrian's offering under
>>> that sign, since I haven't had a chance to do more than glance at it,
>>> but I was merely describing a trend I've observed over the last couple
>>> of decades.  So it's really just a cautionary note.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jon
>>> -- 
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