> On Oct 24, 2016, at 10:55 AM, Jon Alan Schmidt <jonalanschm...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
> At this point, it seems appropriate to shift this conversation to the 
> spin-off thread that I started last week based on Ben Novak's post and the 
> ones to which he was responding, which I have reproduced below.  As we have 
> previously discussed under the heading of Peirce's Cosmology, he explicitly 
> referred to multiple "Platonic worlds" as one of the stages preceding the 
> emergence of this actual universe of existence.  I have suggested that the 
> former correspond to the coalescing chalk marks on the blackboard, which then 
> serve as a whiteboard for the "discontinuous mark" that represents the latter.

I’ll hold off saying more until I can read some more of the comments from last 

I do hope you’ll comment on the Kantian point I raised. I’m curious as to your 
thoughts there.
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