Clark, List:

CP 6.185-213 is the manuscript text for the eighth and final Cambridge
Conferences lecture and actually dates from 1898, not 1892-1893--thus
coming *after* Peirce became a full-blown three-category realist, according
to Fisch.  The PDF that you linked is how it appears in the stand-alone
volume containing those lectures, *Reasoning and the Logic of Things*,
edited by Ketner and Putnam.


Jon Alan Schmidt - Olathe, Kansas, USA
Professional Engineer, Amateur Philosopher, Lutheran Layman -

On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 10:48 AM, Clark Goble <> wrote:
> On Oct 25, 2016, at 9:43 AM, Clark Goble <> wrote:
> I’m slowly working through the posts I missed. Allow me to repost the
> relevant quote. This is 6.202-209. I think you quoted the paragraph
> referring to platonism. (See the other quotes at the bottom of this post
> too that differ from this version) I’ll try to relate this to the other
> comments later this evening. However having the original sources
> undoubtedly helps the discussion.
> I should note the time of the quote. The form in CP 6 is from 1892-93 and
> thus is before he fully embraces modal realism. however reading it one
> clearly sees the roots of what is to come.
> Nearly as soon as I posted it I realized the second set of quotes was also
> in CP 6 and is CP 6.192-196. My apologies. This thus dates to the same era
> despite sounding very much like modal realism.
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