
> On Jan 17, 2017, at 5:32 AM, wrote:
> But extending the dualism, even dichotomy of "ontology" and "epistemology" to 
> Aristotle is not just a (big) bone, but a grave misrepresentation.
> This distinction is a modern one. - Still going strong, in spite of all 
> criticism.
> NOTHING LIKE that existed in ancient ways of thinking.

Kirsti points to critical issue in attempting to decipher the self-designed 
code of language usage of CSP.

In particular, it is my experience that grasping the developments of Western 
Science during the period of 1775 - 1850 is essential to understanding the 
context in which CSP is expressing himself to his world.

Part of this history is addressed from a mathematical viewpoint by Salomon 
Bochner, in 
Eclosion and Synthesis: Perspectives on the History of Knowledge.

I highly recommend this text to any scholar seeking to understand “CSP-speak”.



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