John, we owe you thanks for making Jay Zeman’s material on EGs accessible in 
such a complete form.


At one time, Zeman’s transcription of Peirce’s “Prolegomena to an Apology for 
Pragmaticism” was the only version online. Since then I’ve put one on my own 
site,, which I think improves on 
Zeman’s version in some respects, even correcting a few errors.


Of course your own site has some real treasures. The other day I was reading 
your contribution to the “Five Questions” collection, — which i highly recommend to all 
Peirceans! — and one observation you made there about Aristotle’s On 
Interpretation triggered my latest blog post that might also be of interest to 
Peirceans. I called it “Rhematics” because it focusses on Peirce’s use of the 
term “rhema” in his semiotics. It’s at and includes links to your paper and 
to the “Prolegomena.” 


Gary f.


-----Original Message-----
From: John F Sowa [] 
Sent: 25-May-17 11:03

On 5/22/2017 1:40 PM, Jon Awbrey wrote:

> Here is the WayBak link to  <> 

>  <> 

> .com/


Thanks for finding that copy.  But some links in that copy are broken.

Starting from the first page, click on

"A Proof in" [image for theGraphs]


The version at does not contain the images for the diagrams at 
the target location.


But the version at the following location does have the images:



If you can find other discrepancies, especially on the version at, 
please let me know.


By the way, the version I downloaded also contained some personal photos (baby 
pictures of "Abigail", "Greg's funeral", and a farm).

But does not have them.


In any case, I sent the personal photos to Norma Zeman and deleted them from my 
web site.  But their absence at indicates that they did not save 



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