
> On Nov 21, 2017, at 9:42 PM, John F Sowa <> wrote:
> On 11/21/2017 4:08 PM, Jerry LR Chandler wrote:
>> CSP’s strange insistence on the logical perplexity of repeating words in 
>> sentences (or on sheets of assertion) has long puzzled me.
> Are you referring to the following passage?
> From 2.13:
>> it seems reasonable that any decidedly marked point of the sheet
>> should stand for a single individual; so that • should mean
>> “something exists.” We cannot make this • • to mean that two
>> things exist
> This fact follows from his rule of iteration:  You can copy
> any graph instance without asserting anything new.
> If you want to say that two things exist, you have to say
> explicitly that the two dots do not refer to the same thing.
> That issue will come up later.

I believe that CSP is referring to the fact that the same symbol (logical term) 
can be used with many different meanings, depending on the context within the 
ecoment of the sheet of assertion (diagram, text, graph).  This is common in 
the formal logic of the chemical sciences.

>> Is the metaphor of “trustee” in the previous sentence
>> a potent clue?
> No.  

I disagree.
> Peirce had just mentioned an example about owing money, and
> he mentioned the word 'trustee' as a legal term in Massachusetts.
> From the following example, I think he meant that C could request
> that C pay B the money that C owes to A.
> From 2.13
>> saying for example that if A owes B money and C owes A money,
>> then B may “trustee” C for the debt (as you say in Massachusetts),
The term “trust” is remote from the logic of symbolic substitutions.


> John
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