Helmut, that’s an interesting new term you’ve introduced into metaphysical 
discourse, but I wonder whether it will stick … it might help if you explain 
what it means. (But maybe that would make the discussion overfucked?)


Anyway … your reason for asserting that “matter is first, and form second” does 
seem consistent (or paraconsistent?) with Aristotle’s matter/form distinction 
as given in De Anima. You imply that Peirce held the opposite view; but do you 
know of any text where Peirce actually said that “form” was first and “matter” 


Gary f.


From: Helmut Raulien <h.raul...@gmx.de> 
Sent: 13-Dec-18 13:19
Subject: Aw: [PEIRCE-L] the sexuality of methodeutic



Supplement: Or was he just underfucked?


I think the question, whether matter is 1ns, and form 2ns, or the other way 
round, does not have to do with sex. This discussion is underfucked. Form 
requires matter, because a form must consist of something. Matter does not 
require form, matter may be amorphous. So matter is first, and form second. If 
Peirce said it differently, maybe he was wrong. Is that possible, that Peirce 
was wrong, or was he God?

Best, Helmut


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