Auke, Edwina, Dan, List,

Auke wrote:

AvB: I shifted from the production of objects made in arts to personal
development and from there to interactions. Resulting in the application of
a semiotically grounded method for conflict resolving in an educational
setting,   (it
is of wider use, I extended the model and used it in a commercial domain).

I find your semiotically grounded work for conflict resolution in and
beyond educational settings of considerable interest. Much of my college
teaching in a philosophy department, of especially creative and critical
thinking, centered on the application of Peirce's semeiotic (and especially
his pragmatism) to conflict resolution, problem solving, etc. But in
workshops and papers I have also addressed its application to other
matters, for example, interoperability in the use of internet technology

My friend and colleague, Aldo de Moor (with whom I co-authored a paper
along with Mary Keeler), also used Peircean principles in developing his
consulting firm, CommunitySense
many of these principles gleaned from his years of attending John
Sowa's/Mary Keeler's ICCS conferences, listening to, reading and writing
papers, giving and auditing talks, and organizing and participating in
seminars either about or related to Peirce's work. For a time he was quite
actively using Sowa's Conceptual Graphs (built on Peirce's EGs) in his
work. With all this in mind, I'm going to forward your paper to him, Auke.
You continued:

AvB: For example, everybody reading the Springer *Quality of service* text
will see that I am inspired by Gary R’s Trikonic, which I class as
theoretical.  Without that work I would never have imagined to try to
incorporate it in my application. It proved gold because it enables me to
have participants in my method explicate their position in such a way that
contestants in a conflict can compare their differences in a systematic

I'm gratified that my Trikonic inspired your work. Occasionally I'll
receive an off-list note or link telling me how that work is being used in
a context I'd never imagined it being used in (although tricategorial
thinking by its very nature ought to be, in my view, applicable to any
number of fields).

So, I agree with you, Edwina, and Dan that, as Dan wrote:

DE: Always the point was to use his ideas to do empirical work.

And as Auke somewhat metaphorically wrote:

AvB: ". . .in the end, it must be the fruit of application that proves the
worth of the tree.

Or as Edwina put it, Peirce's pragmatism concerns:

ET: ". . .the powerful functionality of his analytic framework when used in
examining and explaining our real world, its operation and our interactions
with that world. :

Yet, as I see it, there remains considerable work yet remaining for
developing and explicating Peirce's theories and this includes refining, as
it were, with an eye especially to its pragmatic use, his terminology.
After all, as Auke just wrote:

AvB: . . .one pins down an conceptual infrastructure with the help of
‘terms and their relationship’.

And, while I found Dan's overgrown beanstalk metaphor spot on, I would tend
to strongly agree with Auke's conclusion regarding Peirce's terminology.

AvB: . . . I like to be able to inspect that framework as to its build [I
take this to mean, "how it's constructed"?] and for that I find the
technical term distinctions that Peirce made very inspiring. / / / The
focus is on the understanding of semiosis, the tools are the technical
terms.  Its good to keep inspecting and comparing ones tools.

As I've repeatedly said in this forum over the years, it seems to me that
there is no good reason why work in one should exclude work in the other;
that is, there is no reason why the development of theory (I, for example,
am very interested in the possible development of Peirce's phenomenology
and technical terminology will most certainly play a part in that) and
practice (as suggested by the examples Auke, Dan, and Edwina offered) can't
operate side by side if not quite hand in hand. In my opinion hostility to
one or ignoring one are equally unwise because finally unbalanced. While it
may be necessary to concentrate on one and not the other at any given time
(and this is something Peirce strongly suggested and was, indeed, his
practice), in my view both are essential.



*Gary Richmond*
*Philosophy and Critical Thinking*
*Communication Studies*
*LaGuardia College of the City University of New York*

On Sat, Mar 30, 2019 at 11:43 AM Auke van Breemen <>

> Dan, Edwina, List,
> I agree with Dan and Edwina with an *however* in favor of work on the
> semiotic engine and its make up in the technical terms that shy off the
> general public.
> Since I started analyzing design processes of artist in the late 80’íes I
> tried to combine an empirical bend with an interest of modelling the
> situation graphically in technical semiotical terms. The general scheme Dan
> and Edwina point to (and as I understand it in my own undoubtedly very
> personal way, which itself evolves along the way) functioning as the hard
> core of the research program.  I shifted from the production of objects
> made in arts to personal development and from there to interactions.
> Resulting in the application of a semiotically grounded method for conflict
> resolving in an educational setting,
>   (it
> is of wider use, I extended the model and used it in a commercial domain).
> However: This I could only do because I always tried to model semiosis in
> semiotic terms. And, because others on this list, and elsewhere (Sarbo,
> Farkas), were trying to come to grips with the technical side of semiotics.
> For example, everybody reading the Springer *Quality of service* text
> will see that I am inspired by Gary R’s Trikonic, which I class as
> theoretical.  Without that work I would never have imagined to try to
> incorporate it in my application. It proved gold because it enables me to
> have participants in my method explicate their position in such a way that
> contestants in a conflict can compare their differences in a systematic
> way. I leave out the valuable influence of many others on this list.
> It must be an interplay between both interests. It is also important to
> try to model the process of interpretation in semiotic terms for its own
> sake.  The key to that in my take is showing how the sign aspects are
> related to the interpretants, Peirce distinguishes, when a sign is
> inscribed in a sheet in its actual state. In that respect he left an
> interesting, still incomplete and as to its constituent pieces debated
> puzzle.
> But of course, in the end, it must be the fruit of application that proves
> the worth of the tree.
> Best Auke
> *Van:* Dan Everett <>
> *Verzonden:* zaterdag 30 maart 2019 14:55
> *Aan:*
> *CC:*
> *Onderwerp:* Re: [PEIRCE-L] The pragmatics of Peirce
> I agree with Edwina . Peirce himself left strong indications that some of
> his finer terminological distinctions were likely to be unimportant for
> research purposes, which was his main concern.
> Always the point was to use his ideas to do empirical work.
> The kind of article that Edwina links to is a beautiful example of the
> kind of thing that would have really interested Peirce.
> I think of Peircean terminology as a beanstalk he planted. It grew far too
> large in many ways. But the science, the math, the logic, these are the
> things of true lasting importance.
> Dan
> Sent from my iPad
> On Mar 30, 2019, at 9:45 AM, Edwina Taborsky <> wrote:
> In my view, the basis of Peirce is not which term is to be used when and
> where - although I acknowledge that such a descriptive outline can be
> fascinating for some - but my view is that Peirce is really 'all about
> pragmatics'; i.e., the powerful functionality of his analytic framework
> when used in examining and explaining our real world, its operation and our
> interactions with that world. This analytic framework - which functions
> regardless of the terms used - is, to me, 'the basic Peirce' - and can be
> of great insight in many disciplines.
>  Here is an example. My minimal computer skills didn't allow me to copy
> more than once - so, I've left out the vital title and authors. It's in the
> online journal Entropy. The link below should get anyone interested to the
> site. My point is NOT to open discussion on the actual article - but to
> show how the Peircean analytic framework, which to me, consists of that
> dynamic triad [O-R-I] with its subsets and the powerful three categories -
> is the basic pragmatic infrastructure of our entire world.
> The article below is about information dynamics - and - note the terms of
> 'majority-logic decoding' [another term for 3ns???], and 'single unit
> transformations' [2ns???]...and entropy [1ns??] ….And non-equilibrium
> dynamics [the triadic semiosic process??]
> ""We investigate the performance of majority-logic decoding in both
> reversible and finite-time information erasure processes performed on
> macroscopic bits that contain N microscopic binary units. While we show
> that for reversible erasure protocols single-unit transformations are more
> efficient than majority-logic decoding, the latter is found to offer
> several benefits for finite-time erasure processes: Both the minimal
> erasure duration for a given erasure and the minimal erasure error for a
> given erasure duration are reduced, if compared to a single unit.
> Remarkably, the majority-logic decoding is also more efficient in both the
> small-erasure error and fast-erasure region. These benefits are also
> preserved under the optimal erasure protocol that minimizes the dissipated
> heat. Our work therefore shows that majority-logic decoding can lift the
> precision-speed-efficiency trade-off in information erasure processes. View
> Full-Text <>
> *Keywords: *finite-time information erasure; majority-logic decoding;
> nonequilibrium thermodynamics finite-time information erasure
> <>; 
> majority-logic
> decoding <>; 
> nonequilibrium
> thermodynamics
> <>
> Edwina
> -----------------------------
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