On 5/2/2019 11:09 AM, Jon Alan Schmidt wrote:
I intend to explore further the analogy that he drew between this and continuous semeiosis vs. definite Propositions, which amount to instantaneous snapshots of Arguments as captured by EGs on a Sheet of Assertion.

The continuous predicates have nothing to do with time or motion.

For example, on p. NEM 3:164, Peirce wrote
The line of identity can be regarded as a graph composed of any
number of dyads "——is——" or as a single dyad.

Continuity implies that the following graphs are synonymous:

   rose——red,  rose——is——red,  rose——is——is——is——is——red.

But all three state logically equivalent propositions.  They
describe a snapshot of a red rose.  The same principle holds
for all other continuous predicates:  the graphs before and
after any replacement of an ordinary predicate with a continuous
predicate are logically equivalent.

To represent time and motion in three dimensions, Peirce very
much wanted to generalize the graphs to stereoscopic moving
pictures.  See NEM 3:191 in the same letter to Mr. Kehler.

For copies of those pages, see http://jfsowa.com/peirce/eg1911.pdf

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