Gary R, List,

I came across a review by Olivia Goldhill
of Siegel's book (see excerpts below).  It has a good  description of the
relational view of mind, which is consistent with Peirce's relational view
of reasoning:  Relations (1ns, 2ns, and 3ns) are the foundation of  all
reasoning, both formal and informal.

Diagrams express
relations graphically, and they have fundamental advantages over linear
notations (including natural languages):  (1) the extension to two or more
dimensions enables them to express space and time more iconically than any
linear notations;  (2) unlike algebraic notations, diagrams can express
continuous and discrete transformations iconically;  (3) the extension to
three or even four dimensions (x, y, z, t) enables them to express
"moving pictures of thought"; and (4) the EG rules of inference
are as precise as any algebraic notation for logic.

Siegel emphasized relational aspects of mind that go beyond the brain, the
mind still depends on the brain to support the relations between
perception and action.  I also recommend the research by John O'Keefe and
his colleagues in analyzing the neural mechanisms that support those




Dan Siegel... first came up with the definition more than
two decades ago, at a
meeting of 40 scientists across disciplines, including neuroscientists,
physicists, sociologists, and anthropologists. The aim was to come to an
 understanding of the mind that would appeal to common ground and
satisfy those wrestling with the question across these

 much discussion, they decided that a key component of the mind is: “the
 emergent self-organizing process, both embodied and relational, that
regulates energy and information flow within and among us.” It’s not
catchy. But it is interesting, and with meaningful

 most immediately shocking element of this definition is that our mind
extends beyond our physical selves. In other words, our mind is not
simply our perception of experiences, but those experiences themselves.
Siegel argues that it’s impossible to completely disentangle our
subjective view of the world from our interactions.

realized if
 someone asked me to define the shoreline but insisted, is it the water
or the sand, I would have to say the shore is both sand and sea,” says
Siegel. “You can’t limit our understanding of the coastline to insist
it’s one or the other. I started thinking, maybe the mind is like the
coastline—some inner and inter process. Mental life for an
anthropologist or sociologist is profoundly social. Your thoughts,
feelings, memories, attention, what you experience in this subjective
world is part of mind.”

The definition has since been
supported by
 research across the sciences, but much of the original idea came from
mathematics. Siegel realized the mind meets the mathematical definition
of a complex system in that it’s open (can influence things outside
itself), chaos capable (which simply means it’s roughly randomly
distributed), and non-linear (which means a small input leads to large
and difficult to predict result).

In math, complex systems are
self-organizing, and Siegel believes this idea is the foundation to
mental health. Again borrowing from the mathematics, optimal
self-organization is: flexible, adaptive, coherent, energized, and
stable. This means that without optimal self-organization, you arrive at
 either chaos or rigidity—a notion that, Siegel says, fits the range
of symptoms of mental health disorders.

 demands linking together differentiated ideas or, essentially,
integration. And Siegel says integration—whether that’s within the brain
 or within society—is the foundation of a healthy mind.
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