Supplement: I want to add, that the universe´s density might not decrease due to its expansion, because with the increase of potential energy, new mass particles come out of the virtuality. The potential energy of the universe has the same amount as all other energy, including mass, so I have read somewhere. Potential energy is negative, all other energy positive, so its sum is exactly 0. The net energy of the universe is zero, if there was a big bang, no energy was necessary for it. All that was needed, was and is information. Information, like entropy, is not energy. Entropy is heat (transferred heat energy) divided by temperature.
Edwina, Robert, List,
I think that information aka negentropy is not a counterweight to entropy, because it depends on dissipation, and the amount of produced information cannot exceed the amount of entropy produced with its production.
I think, the counterweight for entropy is the accelerated expansion of the universe, which makes masses get further apart from each other, by which potential energy is increased. Potential energy is exergy, and i guess, that this way the ratio between exergy and anergy possibly is kept constant, though entropy constantly rises.
If exergy is connected with firstness, and the production of entropy with thirdness, and if the source of firstness is on the universal scale (accelerated expansion of the universe), I think that the whole semiotic process all in all is one of down- and upscaling. In the beginning something (triadic) happens in the universe, and in the end it happens between people or particles. The ratio between firstness and thirdness is the same in big and in small scales, firstness is provided in the biggest scale and handed or conveyed down to small ones, information is a part of that, and thirdness in the form of entropy is conveyed the other way, each small action contributing to the "big chill", which I guess will never happen.
Can the universe expand forever? Maybe it separates, calves?
Best, Helmut
 23. Oktober 2020 um 16:40 Uhr
 "Edwina Taborsky" <>

I think that's a key notion - the necessity for a triplet, which is an intellectual construct, to become a triad, a morphological construct.

The reason for this is that basic "permanent confrontation between entropy and negentropy, which would be constitutive of the very being of energy". This means that the semiosic triad and process is not a human, so to speak, intellectual exercise, but is a physico-chemical/biological reality - which we humans then intellectually analyze. - and can do so, mathematically as evidence of this natural reality.



On Fri 23/10/20 9:32 AM , robert marty sent:

Thank you Edwina seems to me that you encapsulate the concepts of dissipation/morcellization/regularity with the three universal categories which have no real existence since they result from triadic reduction, an operation of pure form on the space of the n-adic relations they allow to generate. So encapsulation makes the simple triplet a triad, which makes regularity appear as a necessity produced by the permanent confrontation between entropy and negentropy, which would be constitutive of the very being of energy. So could we then see in it yet another illustration of the role that mathematics can play, even at this level?    
Honorary Professor ; PhD Mathematics ; PhD Philosophy 
Le jeu. 22 oct. 2020 à 16:08, Edwina Taborsky <> a écrit :

A great paper.

My focus is, however, on WHY our universe operates within a triadic process and WHY there are three modal categories.

My simplistic answer to both is: the preservation of energy.

That is - if one posits that our universe is made up of energy - then, the agenda of the universe 'ought' to be its preservation. It first does this -[ as Peirce pointed out in 1.411-] without some regularity, that is - energy transforms rapidly into finite bits of matter. These 'bits' hold energy, so to speak.  But the fact of dissipation, aka, Firstness, means that these finite bits would, in a nanosecond, dissolve into less complex forms of energy.  The dissipation of energy would reduce the universe to nothing. How can we define this dissipation? That is - how is the domination of Firstness -  prevented?

The easiest method is, of course, that action of Secondness, which simply moves energy into those closed units-of-matter. But again, as Peirce pointed out, without regularity, these 'bits' would rapidly dissipate back to - Firstness.

Therefore, we find the need for the third category for the organization of energy: Thirdness, which provides a regularity of habit, a continuity of form and behaviour by which those Bits-of-Matter can be organized. This introduction of Mind is the most powerful method of combating the ever-present actions of dissipation/Firstness.

But- we should acknowledge the necessity of Firstness. Without its 'attacks' on continuity [which attacks usually take place at the periphery of a system] - the system would freeze into a cement of habits. Firstness enables not only adaptive robustness but also, an increase in complexity and diversity of forms.

What about that triad? What is its function? If we posit a universe made up of 'bits of energy-as-matter', then, these bits presumably interact. If we have only a direct 'hit' between two 'bits-of-matter', then this mechanical process would enhance entropy. And again - we acknowledge the reality of Thirdness - which mediates such interactions and transforms energy exchange into information, which can be used, constructively,  by both parties in the interaction.



On Thu 22/10/20 6:21 AM , robert marty sent:


This article begins with a preamble that first examines the general problem of the production of mathematical models in the social sciences and humanities. This is not the first simplification we propose. Feedback has taught us that we needed to go even further to ensure that our initial proposals made more than 40 years ago are acceptable to the entire community working in the same field. The responsibility for this long delay lies mainly with the author, who proposes here to redeem himself by detailing to the extreme both his methodology and the simplest techniques he has found in order to allow critical access to this natural extension of Peirce's semiotics from the state in which he left it to us.

Thank you for your comments and criticism,

Robert Marty

Honorary Professor ; PhD Mathematics ; PhD Philosophy 

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